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He was starting to bald noticeably.他在开始明显地脱发。Extravagant claims have been made for some herbal remedies including the curing of baldness.一些草药的功效被说得太夸张了,说什么能治疗脱发的。One of the side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss.化疗的副作用之一是脱发。Side effects of the treatment include nausea and hair loss.这种治疗有恶心和脱发等副作用。The bartender had a florid face and a receding hairline.酒吧男招待面色红润,前额有点脱发。In men, hair loss is hereditary.男性脱发属于遗传。He's losing his hair. 他开始脱发了。 |