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词汇 several people
例句 No one knows exactly what happened but several people have been hurt.没人确切了解发生了什么事,只知道有数人受伤。After the earthquake several people were missing and presumed dead. 地震后一些人失踪了,并被推定罹难。As the crowd rushed towards the gate, several people got knocked over.人群涌向大门,有几个人被撞倒在地上。The President has granted clemency to several people this month.总统这个月已经特赦了几个人。I occupy only a humble position in the company,but there are several people below me.我在公司里职位低微,不过有几个人比我还低。There must have been several people involved in that do.一定有几个人卷进了那次事件。There was a jam on the staircase in which several people were injured.楼梯上人群拥挤,造成几人受伤。The shadowy forms of several people were visible through the smoke.透过烟雾可看到几个模糊的人影。When several people began to run the contagion spread and soon everybody was running.几个人一跑,影响就传播开了,顿时大家都奔跑起来。She seemed surprised when several people laughed.当一些人大笑时她似乎很惊讶。He offended several people with his incautious remarks.他的轻率言论得罪了几个人。Every year, several people die from carbon monoxide poisoning.每年都有数人死于一氧化碳中毒。A band of human rights activists stormed the embassy and took several people hostage.一帮人权活动分子冲进大使馆,将数人扣为人质。Bruck's forthright comments angered several people in the audience.布鲁克的快言快语激怒了在座的好几个人。We're inviting several people to a party.我们将邀一些人参加聚会。The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage.官方已经逮捕了几个涉嫌从事间谍活动的人。I saw several people just lounging about there.我看见几个人正在那儿闲荡。She approached several people, but few were interested.她接触过几个人,但几乎没有人感兴趣。There were several people after me who didn't manage to get into the game.在我之后还有好几个人也没法进去看比赛。He killed several people by poisoning their tea.他在茶里下毒杀死了几个人。I left my phone number with several people.我把电话号码留给了几个人。The paper reported that several people had seen UFOs.报纸报道说,有好几个人见过不明飞行物。In one instance, several people had their phones stolen.有一次好几个人的手机都被偷了。I've asked several people what happened, but no one will give me a straight answer.我问了好几个人发生了什么事,但没有人直接回答我。A bomb exploded at the embassy, injuring several people.一颗炸弹在大使馆爆炸,造成数人受伤。Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to see.韦兰太太提醒她的儿子他们还有几个人要拜访。Because of the explosion, the roof of the building caved in, trapping several people.由于发生爆炸,建筑物的顶部坍塌,有几个人被困在了里面。Locals claim several people were killed in these exchanges.据当地人称一些人在这几次交火中丧生。




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