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词汇 settle on
例句 Then his smile settled on his face.之后他的微笑凝固在他的脸上。We have settled on a place to spend the vacation.我们已选定了度假的地方。I don't know why I settled on Aberdeen, but anyway I did.我不知道为什么我定居在阿伯丁,尽管如此,我还是这么做了。The children could not settle on where to put their tent.孩子们拿不定主意把帐篷搭在哪里。The descendants lost the grandeur of those who first settled on the land.最初在这片土地定居者的后裔丧失了先辈的高贵品质。The birds settled on a branch.鸟儿飞落在树枝上。Dust has settled on the furniture.家具上已积起了灰尘。His eyes settled on the woman in the red dress. 他的目光停留在那个穿红色连衣裙的女人身上。I finally settled on a Mercedes estate.我最后决定买一辆梅塞德斯客货两用车。Rivers carry debris out to the sea, and it then settles on the bottom.河流把碎片带到海里,然后这些碎片就沉积到海底。A bird settled on his palm.一只鸟停落在他的手掌上。Our plan was settled on in the end.我们的规划最终获得了同意。The dog settled on the grass to enjoy its bone.那狗舒舒服服地坐在草地上享受骨头的美味。An unearthly silence settled on the streets that night.那天晚上街道静得可怕。Did the tar settle on the road?路上的柏油干硬了吗?They haven't settled on a name for the baby yet.他们尚未决定给宝宝取什么名字。A self-satisfied smile settled on his face.他脸上露出自鸣得意的笑容。We weren't sure what color we'd paint the kitchen, but we finally settled on a soft yellow.我们不太确定厨房要涂什么颜色,但我们最终选择了柔和的黄色。She was forced to settle on terms grossly unfavourable to her.她被迫同意接受对她极其不利的条件。A disapproving frown settled on her face.她不悦地皱起了眉头。Snow had settled on some of the higher slopes.雪堆积在一些较高的山坡上。We must settle on a place to meet.我们必须选个地方见面。A hush settled on the crowd. = A hush settled over the room. 人群安静了下来。Swiss chalets have steeply slanting roofs, so that snow does not settle on them.瑞士木屋有十分陡的斜屋顶,所以雪不会堆积在上面。Particles of dirt settled on the tablecloth.尘埃落在台布上。Can we at least settle on a date for our next meeting?至少,我们能不能约定下次会议的日期?Her eyes settled on the man in the corner.她的目光停留在角落里的那位男子身上。After much deliberation, he finally settled on a fur rug.考虑再三,他最终选了一块毛皮地毯。The dust settled on everything in the kitchen.厨房里每一样东西上都落了灰。After the bomb, an uneasy calm settled on the city.爆炸发生后,城里笼罩着一种令人不安的平静。Dust settled on the shelves.架子上积了灰尘。A black dust settled on the walls.墙上落了一层黑色的粉尘。Hours later, they settled on a plan.几小时后,他们敲定了计划。We haven't settled on a date yet.我们还没有定好日期。We can settle on the price at a later date.我们可以晚些时候再谈妥价格。He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.他一直等到参会者完全安静下来。Hiroaki wanted white and I wanted black, so we settled on grey.广明想要白的,而我想要黑的,所以我们决定要灰的。The fish settles on the sandy ocean bottom where it blends in perfectly.那条鱼停在海底的沙子上,与周边环境完全融为了一体。She finally settled on the red dress.最后她选定了那件红色连衣裙。A bird settled on the roof.一只鸟落在了屋顶上。




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