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Prospects for a peace settlement in the region are not very hopeful at the moment.目前在该地区达成和平协议的希望不是很大。So we are by no means within sight of a settlement yet.因此,我们的问题目前仍然无望解决。Diplomatic efforts to reach a settlement resume today after a two-week hiatus.为寻求解决方案而进行的外交谈判在中断了两周之后于今天重新开始。We ought not to bring in extraneous matters in trying to find a basis for a settlement.我们努力寻求解决问题的基础时,不应该牵扯进无关的事情。Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement.西蒙斯派律师去见牧场主,期望他们仍能以友好的方式达成协议。She counselled them not to accept this settlement.她建议他们不要接受这个解决方案。Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court settlement.律师们正寻求庭外和解。He had intimated to them his readiness to come to a settlement.他向他们表示过他愿意达成和解。The settlement of the dispute was a sell-out, leaving the miners worse off than they were before.这场争议的解决方案出卖了矿工,使他们的处境比以前更加恶劣。A settlement was reached in which neither side lost face.达成了一个双方都不失面子的协议。The latest setback has dimmed hopes of an early settlement.最近的挫折使早日解决问题的希望变得渺茫了。There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.曾有过和平解决的一线希望。Please find enclosed a cheque in settlement of your invoice.兹附上支票一张用以结清贵方发货清单上的货款。The company made a lump-sum settlement with workers.公司发给工人一笔一次性的安置费。He is attempting to mediate a settlement between the company and the striking workers.他试图解决公司和罢工工人的争端。The company is intransigent and rejects any notion of a settlement.该公司很顽固,拒绝考虑任何解决方案。Monitors have been part of Australian folklore since the beginning of European settlement.自欧洲移民定居伊始,巨蜥就成了澳大利亚民间故事的一部分。The school stands on the site of an ancient settlement.学校建在一个古老的居民点上。Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement.法律专家说她的案子不会成为判例,因为它是庭外和解的。When did the settlement of Carolina begin?卡罗来纳殖民地的开拓是何时开始的?Their efforts toward the settlement of the border dispute are praiseworthy.他们为解决边界争端所作的努力是值得赞扬的。A peace settlement now seems likely.现在看来有可能达成和平协议。The conference has produced a political climate that is favourable to a peace settlement.此次会议创造了一个有利于和平解决问题的政治环境。The US administration would like to see a negotiated settlement to the war.美国政府希望看到战争能以和谈方式解决。The media played up the prospects for a settlement.媒体夸大了达成和解的可能性。The only lasting solution lies in a political settlement. Without it, their descent into chaos will be guaranteed.唯一的长久之计是通过政治手段解决。否则,他们势必会陷入一片混乱。The quarrel could flare up again if some settlement were not made.如果达不成什么解决办法,争吵还会重起。The tools were found in an early Iron Age settlement.这些工具是在一个铁器时代的小村落里发现的。He had intimated to the French and Russians his readiness to come to a settlement.他已经向法国人和俄国人暗示他愿意达成协议。We were hoping for a quick settlement of the dispute between the neighbors.我们希望邻里纠纷能迅速和解。Both sides firmly believe that a peace settlement is now possible.双方坚信和平解决问题现已成为能够实现的事。I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account.附上支票一张以清账。She lived in a small settlement on the edge of the desert.她住在沙漠边缘的一个小村落里。A peace settlement now seems a long way off.签订和平协议现在看来似乎还有很远的路。There are a number of obstacles in the way of a lasting peace settlement.要达成持久的和平协议,存在一些阻碍。Nurses refused to accept a pay settlement less than the rate of inflation.护士拒绝接受低于通货膨胀水平的调薪方案。What price a peace settlement now?现在和平解决又有何用?The peace settlement effectively acknowledged the country's independence.这一和平协议事实上承认了这个国家的独立。I got the house in the divorce settlement.我在这份离婚协议中分到了房子。Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。 |