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词汇 settled
例句 Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.然后,我们溜达回来,烧上水,又坐下看报纸。The children soon settled down once normality was re-established.一切恢复正常之后,孩子们很快就安定了下来。The situation has settled down.局势已平静下来了。The dispute was settled without recourse to law.那场争端不是通过法律途径解决的。The cocoa settled to the bottom of the mug.可可都沉到了杯底。The family has settled in Canada.这家人已定居加拿大。We settled up and checked out of the hotel.我们结清账,办了退房手续。The territory was never densely settled.那片土地上一直人烟稀少。It was settled by lot.这事是以抽签决定的。The matter was settled because they made mutual concessions.他们互相作了让步,事情因此解决了。The author has settled for a more academic approach.那位作者已确定采用更为学术的方法。He hoped the dispute could be settled amicably.他希望争端能得到和平解决。His eyes settled on the woman in the red dress. 他的目光停留在那个穿红色连衣裙的女人身上。Karen settled herself into the passenger seat of Nigel's Jaguar.卡伦坐进了奈杰尔的捷豹汽车的副驾驶座位。The dispute was settled by mediation.争端已被调解了。It's settled then: you pay for dinner and I'll pay for the movie.那就这么定了:吃饭你出钱,看电影我出钱。We have settled that at last. Now, what was the other thing we wanted to discuss?那个问题终于解决了。好,我们刚才说要讨论的另一件事是什么? A disapproving frown settled on her face.她不悦地皱起了眉头。You'll feel more settled once you make some new friends.一旦交到一些新朋友,你就会感到更加开心。The family settled in a small Nevada town where they opened a store.那家人在内华达州的一个小镇上住了下来,在那里开了一家小店。Finally they settled down to watch an old movie.最后他们坐下来看一部老片子。A nurse settled the old man into a chair.一名护士帮助这位老人坐到椅子上。The toads have settled in and accepted the pond as a good spawning ground.蟾蜍已经在这个池塘里住下来了,把这里当成了理想的产卵地。The pioneers settled down in the area in spite of the barrenness of the land.尽管土地荒芜,开拓者们还是在这一带定居下来。Her eyes settled on the man in the corner.她的目光停留在角落里的那位男子身上。She had to adjust to the settled habits of her new coworkers.她只好去适应新同事的积习。He wanted to play the field a bit before he got married and settled down.他想放纵一把再结婚安心过日子。His mood had settled into a dull apathy.他的心态已变得麻木不仁。She settled her whole fortune on her grandchildren.她把全部财产都分给了孙辈。He visited Paris and eventually settled there.他造访了巴黎,并最终在那儿定居下来。The estate is not settled because the family is still feuding over the will.由于这家人仍对遗嘱争执不休,所以遗产问题尚未得到解决。They quickly settled down to their work.他们很快定下心来做自己的工作。She married Keith Richards, the rawest of the Rolling Stones and, in a fashion, settled down.她嫁给了滚石乐队中最粗俗的基思·理查兹,勉强可以说是安顿下来了。They settled down to some serious work.他们着手做一些重要的工作。She seems fairly settled in her new job already.她似乎对新工作已经相当习惯了。Within a month she had settled into a moderate exercise regimen.她在一个月内就适应了中等强度的运动治疗。Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded.一旦杂质沉淀下去,油就可以分级了。Although I worked there for over a year, I never really felt settled.虽然我在那里已经工作一年多了,但我从未觉得真正安定下来。The dispute has not yet been finally settled.纠纷尚未最终解决。He is happily settled with his wife and their two children.他跟妻子和他们的两个孩子过着幸福安定的生活。




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