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例句 Their meetings tend to take on the appearance of family gatherings.他们的会面常常看起来像家庭聚会。They were still too dopey to take any notice of us.他们还是昏昏沉沉的,根本注意不到我们。At this point in my life, I can't afford to take any risks. = I'm at a point in my life where I can't afford to take any risks.在我这个年龄阶段,我没有了冒险的本钱。He persuaded the record company to take a chance on the band, and it became a huge hit.他劝说唱片公司对那个乐队冒险一试,结果他们大受欢迎。The manager has to take up the slack when employees don't do their jobs correctly.员工工作出错时,经理只好接手。When he tried to take charge, she soon put him in his place.当他试图发号施令时,她很快让他明白说了算的不是他。The school has been asked to take certain actions to fix the problem.学校被要求采取行动解决问题。For some reason which escapes me, we had to take a taxi.我们只好乘坐出租车,但我想不起是什么原因了。The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now.经济复苏的趋势刚刚开始稳定下来。I have to take a lot of risks in my job.做我这种工作要冒许多风险。How much water is needed to take up the sugar?这糖需要多少水才能溶解?The mobs became driven by a crazed blood lust to take the city.暴徒们后来就受到了一种疯狂的杀戮欲的驱使要攻陷城市。It's pointless to take notes and then never look at them again.记了笔记又从来不看是白费工夫。He is swift to take offence.他动辄生别人的气。The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings.栽培葡萄最简便的方法就是硬条扦插。Next time you decide to take some action, kindly inform me.你下次再决定采取什么行动,劳驾通知我一声。Because the threat never developed, we didn't need to take any real counter-measures.威胁从未加剧,因此我们无需采取任何实际的应对措施。It's his invariable habit to take a nap.睡午觉是他的老习惯。The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures.目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片占用宝贵时间。He is on a crusade to take the church to the people.他在从事一项向民众传教的工作。Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society.城市规划人员在实际工作中必须把社会各利益集团都考虑在内。If you advertise your vulnerability, people are likely to take advantage of you.如果你表现出自己易受攻击,人们很可能会利用你。That sort of thing goes with the turf and some people get so angry they need to take it out on someone.那种事情是不可避免的,有些人因为非常愤怒,就要把气撒在别人身上。It's up to you whether you decide to take the job.你是否决定要这份工作取决于你自己。Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry.华森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作。The children of overprotective parents often do not develop the skills they need to take care of themselves when they leave home.受父母过度保护的孩子常常不能发展出离家时所需的保护自己的技能。These trucks are designed to take a lot of punishment.这些卡车设计得很耐用。Doctors are willing to take some form of industrial action.医生们愿意采取某种形式的劳工行动。Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.她抬起头注视着他的眼睛,好像听懂了他说的一切。Our boss is not one to take up readily with new ideas.我们的老板不是一个容易接受新思想的人。She put out her hand to take the cup of tea.她伸出手去接那杯茶。Too many irons in the fire can sap your energy and prevent you from seeing which path to take.同时做太多事会使你精力衰竭,让你不知道该做哪件事。The doctors say I'll make a full recovery, but I'm going to have to take it one step at a time.医生都说我会痊愈的,但是还得一步一步来。Put the heater on for long enough to take the chill off the room.把取暖器打开一段时间,以驱除房间里的寒气。You'll just have to take these figures on trust.你只要相信这些数据就行了。She hired an accountant to take control of her money.她雇了一名会计掌管她的钱财。He was doubtful about which plane to take.他犹豫不决,不知该乘哪架飞机。We need to take a fresh look at the problem.我们需要重新看待该问题。It was time for the night watch to take over.轮到值夜班的船员接班了。We were disgusted when bosses awarded themselves a massive pay rise. How can they get on the gravy train, but ask us to take a wage freeze?看到老板为自己大幅加薪,我们感到十分气愤。他们凭什么轻轻松松捞油水却要求我们不涨工资?




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