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词汇 set free
例句 The slaves were set free.奴隶们获得了自由。The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free.前总统要求要么对他进行审判,要么将他释放。The hostages were set free last night.人质于昨晚获释。The birds were set free.鸟儿给放了。He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer.他被释放并恢复总工程师职务。He was handed down a verdict of “not guilty” and set free.他被判无罪并获准释放。He gave orders that the prisoners should be set free.他下令说这些囚犯应予释放。Magee was set free but British authorities were asked to arrest him on sight.马吉被释放了,但是英国当局却被要求一见到他就立即逮捕。All the other hostages were finally set free.其他所有的人质最后都被释放了。Krasner, who has cancer, vowed she would stay alive until her brother was set free.身患癌症的克拉斯纳发誓一定要活到弟弟获释的那一天。The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free.这个囚犯抱有会被释放的希望。The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.将军命令释放俘虏。




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