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词汇 被搁置
例句 The project seems to have been shelved for the moment.这个项目似乎暂被搁置His symptoms are brushed aside, treated with ignore.他的各种症状被搁置一旁,无人问闻。An effort to improve security was sidetracked by budget problems.加强安全措施的行动因为预算问题而被搁置Plans for a new school have been laid aside for now until more money can be raised.建立一所新学校的计划已被搁置The boats were laid up and the crews dispersed.船只被搁置,船员被遣散。The plan has now been dropped, with little hope of resurrection.该计划现已被搁置,不大可能重新启用。Plans to build a dam have been shelved following protests.兴建大坝的计划在遭到抗议后被搁置The idea/plan/project was shelved.这个主意/计划/项目被搁置了。Plans for a new stadium have been shelved for now.新体育馆建设计划被搁置了。The proposal had been shelved for a year.这个建议曾被搁置一年。The plan gathered dust until last fall.计划一直被搁置到去年秋天。His request was bottlenecked for 2 months.他的要求被搁置已两个月了。The bill has languished in House committee for two years.议案在议院小组委员会中已被搁置两年。We were going to redo the kitchen this spring, but those plans have fallen/gone by the wayside. 我们原来打算今年春天重新装修厨房,但那些计划都被搁置了。Far from being dead, the scheme had been hibernating.这个方案并未被否决,只是一直被搁置The scheme has lain fallow for a long time.这个计划已被搁置了好久。The plan is on the shelf.这个计划被搁置The project is dormant for the time being.这项工程暂被搁置The problem has been lying on the table for a long time.这一问题已被搁置很久了。The issue was laid on the table.那一议案被搁置一边。The bill languished in the Senate for months.这一议案在参议院被搁置了数月。The matter was left in abeyance until Haig saw French.事情被搁置了起来,直到黑格见到法国人。The peace process is currently stalled.目前和平进程被搁置The proposal was bogged down in bureaucracy.这个建议由于官僚主义而被搁置Development projects were scaled down, and some proposals for new buildings were put on hold.开发项目已缩减规模,一些有关新建筑的计划也被搁置了起来。




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