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词汇 setback
例句 The patient had a setback in his recovery.病人在康复过程中病情又有了反复。This temporary setback merely strengthened her resolve.暂时的挫折只不过是更坚定了她的决心。The December elections were a major setback for the party.十二月的大选是这个政党的一个重大挫折。After their latest setback, the rebel forces no longer hold the initiative.经过上次的失败后,叛军不再掌握主动权了。He is not a man to be put off his stride by one little setback.他不是那种因为一点儿小挫折就乱了阵脚的人。We've had another setback.我们又经历了一次挫折。She didn't seem to be perturbed by the setback.她似乎并不为这次挫折感到不安。The loss of their goalkeeper through injury was a major setback for the team.守门员因伤缺阵是这个队的一大损失。They could not meekly accept such a setback.他们不能顺从地接受这样的挫折。His research has suffered a temporary setback.他的研究遇到了暂时的挫折。He has suffered a serious setback in his political career.他的政治生涯遭遇了一次严重挫折。But whatever the eventual outcome of today's events, we have suffered a serious setback.但是无论今天的事情最终结果如何,我们已经遭受了重大的挫折。This latest setback has brought/carried/driven her to the depths of despair.最近的这次挫折使她陷入绝望的深渊。One more setback could break the company.再遭受一次挫折公司可能就会破产。The court's decision was a major setback for Bradley.法院的判决对布拉德利是个很大的打击。The patient had a setback in her recovery.病在她康复过程中发生了反复。The latest setback has dimmed hopes of an early settlement.最近的挫折使早日解决问题的希望变得渺茫了。It's the latest setback in a horrendous year for the fallen hero.这是这位昨日英雄在诸事不顺的一年遭受的最新挫折。Manning suffered a setback in his battle against alcoholism.曼宁在与酗酒斗争时受了挫。This latest defeat constitutes a major setback for the Democrats.最近的这次失败是对民主党的一次重挫。The setback sobered all of us down.这一挫折使我们大家都清醒了。He met with many a setback in his lifetime.他一生中遭到过许多挫折。The move represents a setback for the Middle East peace process.这个行动意味着中东和平进程受挫。That would represent a huge setback in the fight to change our criminal justice system.那将会是在刑事司法体制改革中遇到的重大挫折。The two losses are a serious setback for the team's playoff hopes.输了两场对该队进入季后赛的希望是个很大的挫折。Try to see it as an opportunity to learn something, as opposed to a setback.试图将这看作是一次学习的机会,而不是一次挫折。He can thank himself for this setback.这个挫折要怪他。The defeats were a real setback for Thorne.对于索恩而言,这几次失败意味着严重的挫折。The company was dealt a setback, when a federal judge ruled against them.因联邦法官作出不利判决,该公司遭遇了挫折。He was in a bad skin over his recent setback.他因最近的挫折而心绪恶劣。But I have had a bad setback.可是我遭受了一次大挫折。Undaunted by his first setback, he decided to try once more.不为最初的失败而动摇,他决定再试一次。Failure and setback only strengthened our determination.失败和挫折反而增强我们的决心。The decision is a legal setback for the steel company.这个判决对那家钢铁公司来说在法律上是个挫折。The illness was an added setback to her floundering career.疾病对她挣扎中的事业来说是更进一步的打击。Romania suffered another setback in its efforts to obtain financial support for its reforms.罗马尼亚为改革寻求经济援助的努力再次受挫。The problems that have dogged him all year are just a temporary setback.一时的挫折竟困扰了他一整年。He was adamant that this setback does not mean he has reverted to type.他坚持认为这次挫折并不意味着他已经回到原来的样子。The setback did not damp his zest.挫折没有使他降低热情。What matters most is sheer stamina, the physical and mental ability to pick yourself up after the latest setback.最重要的是具备十足的耐力,是让自己从上一次挫折中振作起来的身体和心理素质。




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