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例句 Your medical training might come in very useful indeed.你受过的医学训练可能确实大有用场The books were not much help.这些书没派上什么用场A hire car would come in useful.租一辆车会派得上用场The extra batteries for the flashlight came in handy when the electricity went off.电耗完时,手电筒的备用电池派上了用场A few more travellers' cheques may come in handy on holiday.度假时多带些旅行支票往往派得上用场Her pocketknife came in useful when we needed to cut the tangled fishing line.当我们需要将打结的渔线割断时,她的小刀派上了用场Such experience as I have is useless in this situation.我的这些经验在这种情况下派不上用场This information has proved useful to a great many people.对于很多人来说,这一信息派上了用场Her nursing background was some help in trying to stem the flow of blood.她的护理背景在帮忙止血时派上了用场It was in the area of marketing that Alan's business experience was brought to bear.正是在营销领域艾伦的商业经验可以派得上用场The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed.谷物完全烂掉了,他们能将其派上的唯一用场就是作动物饲料。It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board.在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场A hacksaw always comes in handy for cutting plastic pipes.切割塑料管子时,钢锯总是派得上用场His excellent sense of direction was useful during our travels.我们旅行期间,他极强的方向感派上了用场During the war his pacifist leanings were not helpful.战时他的和平主义思想派不上用场A tent with an awning is great if the weather turns bad.如果天气变坏,带篷的帐篷就会派上很大用场




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