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词汇 service station
例句 I got the information in exchange for a bung handed over at a motorway service station.我在高速公路服务区花钱弄到了这一信息。She pulled into a service station for petrol.她开进一个加油站停车加油。They tanked up at the service station before taking off for the town.他们在加油站加满了油,然后动身开车进城。A new motorway service station has been opened to encourage drivers to take a break.一个新的高速公路服务站启用,以方便司机稍事休息。We shall have to stop at the next service station and fill up.我们得在下个加油站停车,给车加满油。We stopped for a break at a motorway service station.我们在高速公路服务站休息了一会儿。




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