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词汇 serve on
例句 He served on active duty in the US Marine Corps.他战时在美国海军陆战队服役。He served on a battle cruiser.他在一艘战列巡洋舰上服役。The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs.现在,法律要求家长在规划和评估学校项目的委员会中任职。They served on the jury.他们担任陪审员。The chicken is cut into long strips and served on top of the salad.鸡肉切成长条并放在沙拉上面后再端上桌。The food is served on polished tables with mats.饭菜摆放在擦得铮亮、铺着衬垫的餐桌上。The food is served on polished tables with mats.食物被摆放在铺着餐具垫、擦得铮亮的桌子上。He also served on the National Front's national executive committee.他还曾就职于民族阵线全国执行委员会。She served on the jury/committee/board.她是陪审团/委员会/董事会成员。I currently serve on the Board of Directors.我目前是董事会成员。She served on the city council for years.她在市议会任职多年。The food was being served on silver platters.食物是用银质大浅盘盛着的。He served on the board of directors of a local bank.他是当地一家银行的董事会成员之一。Allgood served on the bench for more than 50 years.奥尔古德当了五十多年的法官。He served on the Judiciary Committee.他担任司法委员会委员。I would consider it an honour to serve on the Executive Committee.我认为在行政委员会工作是一种荣幸。He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury.他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。Ann serves on various local committees.安在当地的多个委员会里任职。Afternoon tea is served on the terrace.下午茶在阳台上喝。A little mustard is served on the side to add further piquancy.旁边还配着一点芥末,就着吃会更加开胃。He served on the bench for many years.他当过多年法官。Clement was unanimously confirmed to serve on the District Court.克莱门特全票获准任职地方法院。Have you ever served on a jury?你参加过陪审团吗?He was not permitted to serve on the jury.他未被允许做陪审团成员。The sandwich was served on lightly toasted ciabatta.三明治是用稍稍烤过的脆皮的意大利面包做的。The head of department serves on the advisory panel.系主任是顾问小组的成员。He is an interested party and cannot serve on the jury.他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。The summons can be served on either of the partners in the business.传票可以递给公司两个合伙人中的任何一个。Lunch is served on the terrace facing the sea.午餐安排在面对大海的露天平台上。A writ was served on the company in respect of their unpaid bill.公司由于欠账而收到了传票。She serves on several committees.她担任好几个委员会的委员。She lined up executives, politicians and educators to serve on the board of directors.她邀请了高管、政坛人物和教育家加入董事会。She served on the city's water commission.她在市水务委员会工作。The hors d'oeuvres were served on tiered platters.餐前点心放在分层摆放的大浅盘里。She's served on innumerable committees.她担任过无数委员会的委员。Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year.理查德·纳尔逊上校直到今年才从地方教育董事会离职。He had served on the bench and in Congress.他曾经当过法官和国会议员。Three Caltech professors served on my thesis committee.加州理工学院的三位教授担任了我的论文委员会工作。




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