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词汇 serve as
例句 His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the Committee.他的反通货膨胀法案相对于那些不怎么让委员会满意的提案来说倒是一个有效的平衡。The front room served as her office.前屋用作她的办公室。The low test scores should serve as a loud wake-up call to teachers.不佳的测验成绩应该给老师们敲响了重重的警钟。He served as military adviser to the Japanese delegation.他曾担任日本代表团的军事顾问。This served as a powerful depressant on share prices.这是抑制股价的强有力措施。This dish can be served as a starter or a main course.这个菜可以作开胃菜,也可以当主菜。She served as a liaison between the different groups.她充当各团体之间的联络人。They had to walk across an emergency footbridge, holding onto a rope that served as a rail.他们不得不抓着一根充当扶手的绳子走过应急人行桥。He served as second-in-command to the sheriff.他是县治安官的副手。If nothing else the meeting serves as a useful way of getting everyone's ideas together.这次会议即使没有别的作用,起码也可把大家的意见集合起来。This served as a useful reminder.这个提醒挺管用的。Soup was served as the first course.汤作为头盘上桌了。The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.黛德丽的一生可以用她一首名曲的歌名来概括。The trees can serve as shelter from the rain.这些树可以当遮雨棚。I served as an unpaid consultant on the project.我是这个项目的义务咨询顾问。He served as the club's adviser.他担任过该俱乐部的顾问。He served as an intermediary between the workers and the executives.他在工人和高管之间充当了调解人。The quality of components, the fit and finish, and the customer service offered can all serve as source of differentiation.零部件的质量、装配与表面涂饰、提供的售后服务都会是产生差异的原因。The crash served as a timely reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving.这场车祸及时地提醒了人们酒后驾车的危险。The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞作鸟巢足够大。He served as a teaching assistant at South Dakota State University.他在南达科他州州立大学任助教。He served as an adviser to the company.他任公司的顾问。It served as a model for other cities.它为其他城市作出了榜样。She served as a parent governor at her children's school.她在她孩子的学校担任家长理事会理事。The flowering stalk serves as the domicile for another insect.开花的茎秆为另一种昆虫提供了栖息地。Wall charts and planners can serve as your record of deadlines and long-term goals.挂图和备忘录表能让你记录截止日期和长期目标。Patchouli has the smell of mint, and its essential oil can serve as an insect repellent.广藿香有薄荷的味道,它的精油可作为防虫剂。His tough attitude served as camouflage.他强硬的态度就是一种掩饰。This may serve as a warning not to drive so fast.这可以作为切勿过快驾车的一个警告。I shall continue to serve as a trustee.我将继续履行受托人的职责。The statue serves as a monument to those who have served in the armed forces.这尊雕像是为了纪念那些服过役的军人。The associations serve as transmission belts for party policy.这些协会像传动带一样把党的政策传送出去。He served as a proxy for his uncle.他是他叔父的代理人。He served as a law clerk for the chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit.他为哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉庭首席法官担任书记员。The lid, turned upside down, served as a coffee table.那个盖子被翻过来当作咖啡桌。He served as a diplomat in Russia before the war.战前他任驻俄罗斯的外交官。His success serves as an eloquent reminder of the value of hard work.他的成功生动地表明了努力工作的价值。He serves as a front man for the tobacco industry.他担任烟草业的发言人。Water may serve as a type of instability.水可作为不稳定性的象征。We enlisted them to serve as ushers at the meeting.我们征集他们当会议招待员。




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