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The Queen would emerge from the castle gate every day, come rain or shine.女王每天都会出现在城堡的大门口,风雨无阻。We'll definitely come to Tuesday's meeting, rain or shine.我们一定来参加星期二的会议,风雨无阻。Organizers say the concert in Central Park will go ahead come rain or shine.组织者称中央公园的音乐会将风雨无阻地如期举行。He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.从那以后他照常出现在办公室,风雨无阻。Don't worry. We'll be there – rain or shine.别担心,我们会去的 — 风雨无阻。We work outside every day, rain or shine.我们每天在外面干活,风雨无阻。My husband plays golf every weekend, rain or shine.我丈夫每个周末都打高尔夫,风雨无阻。 |