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词汇 sentence
例句 You should drop this sentence from your essay.你应该把这句话从你的文章中删掉。She received a four-year sentence and is currently out on bail pending appeal.她被判了四年刑,目前获准保释,等待上诉。He misread the sentence twice before getting it right.他把句子读错两遍之后才读对。Although it was only his first offense, the judge decided to make an example of him and sentence him to prison.尽管他只是初犯,但法官决定要惩一儆百,于是判了他监禁。Rewrite the sentence in the singular. 用单数形式改写这个句子。The last sentence was spoken considerably more softly than the others.最后一句话说得比其他话轻柔得多。The judge will pass sentence on the accused this afternoon.法官将于今天下午宣布对被告的判决。She received a heavy sentence from the judge.她被法官判以重刑。Nothing other than an immediate custodial sentence could be justified.只有判决即时监禁才算合理。Evans was given a light sentence in return for giving information to the police.埃文斯因向警方举报被从轻判决。He has an infuriating habit of interrupting people mid-sentence.他有个令人窝火的习惯,总是话到半句把你打断。Try as far as possible to limit your answers to a single sentence.尽可能地将答案控制在一句话之内。He was recently freed after serving a sentence for leading anti-government riots.他因领导反政府骚乱服刑,最近获释。The sentence is totally disproportionate to the offence.这一量刑与所犯罪行完全不相称。Describe your best friend in a single sentence.用一句话来形容你最要好的朋友。The judge resisted pressure to lengthen the sentence.法官顶住压力拒绝延长刑期。The presiding judge read out the sentence.审判长宣读了判决。The man was serving a sentence for robbery with violence.这个男子因暴力抢劫而正在服刑。He is the youngest person ever to be given a death sentence in San Diego County.他是圣迭戈县历来最年轻的被判处死刑的人。Put a word in each blank to complete the sentence.每个空格填一个单词,把句子补充完整。Even before I'd finished my sentence, Dad was already shaking his head.我还没把话说完,爸爸就已经在摇头了。He has passivized this sentence.他把这个句子变为了被动语态。As the judge's sentence was read out, West showed no vestige of emotion.法官宣读裁决时韦斯特没有表现出丝毫的感情。The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation.句子的意思常常取决于重音和语调。The chief prosecutor told the court that Johnson was guilty of a horrible crime and asked for the maximum sentence.检察长指控约翰逊犯有重大罪行,要求法庭作出最严厉的判决。He appealed for a commutation of his death sentence to life imprisonment.他请求由死刑减刑为终身监禁。They inflect their voices up at the end of a sentence.他们在句尾升高音调。He could receive a prison sentence of five years or more.他可能被判五年或五年以上徒刑。Bates got a 5-year jail sentence for blackmail.贝茨因讹诈被判入狱五年。Murder carries a compulsory sentence of life imprisonment.谋杀意味着必然要受到终身监禁。Kathryn knows to her cost the effect of having served a jail sentence.凯瑟琳吃了苦头才知道服过刑会给一个人带来什么影响。Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.把词汇按正确顺序排列组成句子。You can lose that sentence and the paragraph will sound better.你可以删掉那个句子,这样整段话听起来会好些。The verb is the word in a sentence.动词是句子中的主要词。She stopped in mid-sentence.她话说到一半停住了。If he is caught again he will be given a custodial sentence.如果他再次被捕,将会被处以监禁。Complete this sentence.把这个句子填完整。This sentence does not construe.这个句子文法上无法分析。The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.预计最高法院将维持死刑原判。We were outraged when we heard the rapist had only got a two year sentence.听说强奸犯只判了两年徒刑,我们感到义愤填膺。




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