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词汇 senator
例句 The senator angrily voiced his objection to the bill.这位参议员愤怒地表示反对这一议案。The senator is sure he will get support from the grass roots.参议员相信他肯定会得到草根选民的支持。He had overreacted to the senator and he regretted having done so.他曾对那位参议员作出过于激烈的反应,为此他感到遗憾。The senator cannot meet every voter face to face, but he is certainly doing his best.参议员无法与每一位选民亲自见面,但他无疑正竭尽所能。The election will fill the congressional seat vacated by the retiring senator.这次选举将填补即将退休的那名参议员空出的国会席位。The senator promised to restore the economic vitality of the region.参议员承诺要恢复该地区的经济活力。The senator delivered a broadside against the President.参议员对总统进行了猛烈抨击。The senator fielded the reporters' questions.参议员回答了记者们的提问。The senator announced for the presidency.这位参议员宣布参加竞选总统。The senator was determined to put a positive spin on the affair.那位参议员决心对这事件涂脂抹粉,作正面宣传。The senator has a checkered past. 那位参议员的经历很坎坷。Reporters dredged up the fact that the senator avoided the military draft.记者们又提起了这名参议员曾逃避服兵役的事。Edward Brooke, the first popularly elected black senator, was honoured by the President today.今天,总统给第一位竞选获胜成为参议员的黑人爱德华·布鲁克授予荣誉。The senator gave a deeply personal speech last night.昨晚那位参议员做了一个充满个人色彩的演讲。She interposed a few questions into the senator's speech.她在参议员演讲时插进来提了几个问题。The senator's strong nationalistic views are frightening to many liberals.那位参议员强烈的民族主义观点在许多自由派看来很可怕。We've heard rumors that the senator is on the take.我们听到一些传闻说那个参议员贪赃枉法。It is no easy job to run against John Glenn, Ohio's Democratic senator.和俄亥俄州的民主党参议员约翰·格伦竞选绝非易事。The senator rejects charges that he is too liberal.那位参议员不承认对他过于自由主义的指责。The senator met with a group of elementary school students learning about how government works.参议员接见了一群正在学习政府运作方式的小学生。The senator resigned after accusations that the vote had been rigged.参议员在受到操纵选举结果的谴责之后辞职。The senator is downplaying the significance of the issue.这位参议员在故意淡化这一问题的重要性。The senator laid into the opponents of his bill.参议员激烈攻击反对他所提的议案的人。The senator held the floor for several hours.那名参议员的发言持续了几个小时。The senator's constituency includes a large minority population.那位参议员所在的选区中选民包括大量少数族裔。The senator is a sponsor of the proposed bill.那位参议员是这项提案的倡议者。The senator is loyal to his party.这位参议员对自己的党派非常忠诚。Her secret wish is to become a senator.她心中的愿望是当个参议员。The senator took the floor to criticize the new plan.该参议员发言批评新的计划。The senator has announced his intention to run for the presidency.这位参议员宣布了自己竞选总统的打算。The senator has changed political parties.那个参议员变换了政治党派。The senator has resisted repeated entreaties to run for president.那个参议员拒绝了让他参加总统竞选的多次请求。The book contains shocking allegations about the senator's private life.书中对参议员的私生活作了耸人听闻的披露。The senator was forced to resign his position.这名参议员被迫辞去议员职位。At his campaign kickoff, the senator gave a passionate speech about combating poverty.竞选活动开始时,那位参议员就战胜贫困发表了一篇激昂的演说。A banquet was held to honor the retiring senator.为这位即将退休的参议员举行了一场宴会。Before the scandal broke, an attempt had been made to sweep the senator's illegal activities under the carpet.丑闻传出以前,有人曾企图把参议员的非法行为掩盖起来。The senator took a firm/strong stand against higher taxes.那位参议员立场坚定地反对增税。As a U.S. senator, it is my responsibility to defend the Constitution.身为美国参议员,拥护美国宪法是我的职责。We waited for the senator outside the Senate chamber.我们在参议院会议厅外等候这位参议员。




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