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词汇 Senator
例句 Senator Harvey argued strongly against taking any form of military action.哈维参议员强烈反对采取任何形式的军事行动。A spokesman said that the Senator needed to take a rest from the campaign activity.一位发言人说参议员需要在竞选活动期间休息一下。The Senator is more electable than the incumbent.那个参议员比现任那位当选的呼声更高。At the end of the programme we have an exclusive interview with Senator Goldwater.在节目的尾段,我们有戈德华特参议员的独家专访。The Senator has appeared frequently on this show.这名参议员频频在这个节目中露面。The Senator dodged questions about his relationship with the actress.参议员回避了关于他与那位女演员之间关系的问题。Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee.萨姆·纳恩参议员主导着参议院军事委员会。Senator Hopkins has now declared for the tax cuts.参议员霍普金斯现已表态支持减税。Don't print Senator Whoosis' blowoff yesterday.不要印发那个叫什么来着的参议员昨天发泄感情的讲话。Senator Kerry has blue blood from all the royal houses of Europe.克里参议员有欧洲所有王室的高贵血统。Senator Capp is very sympathetic to environmental issues.议员卡普对环境问题十分支持。The chief sponsor of the New York law, state Senator Emanuel Gold, says he's not giving up.纽约州立法的主要倡议人州参议员伊曼纽尔·戈尔德说,他不会放弃。The President made an unofficial visit to the Senator's house.总统去那位参议员的家进行了一次私人访问。The young Senator is getting a lot of attention.这位年轻的参议员吸引了很多注意力。Senator Clinton was considered a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination.克林顿参议员被认为是民主党总统候选人提名的主要竞争者。The Senator has been urged to break off all links with arms companies.参议员被敦促断绝与军火公司的所有联系。Senator O'Brian skillfully dodged the crucial question.奥布赖恩参议员巧妙地回避了这一关键问题。Senator Taylor is one of the key backers of the bill.参议员泰勒是这项法案的重要支持者之一。The Senator's visit to the Military Academy at Andover was a great success.参议员对安多弗军事学院的访问极为成功。The Senator's public humiliation is almost punishment enough for what he did.参议员在公众面前丢尽脸面,对于他的所作所为,这种惩罚几乎已经足够。Senator Lugar is skeptical that Congress will appropriate more funding for this purpose.参议员卢格怀疑国会是否会拨出更多资金用于此目的。The Democratic Senator from New York held a press conference yesterday.昨天,来自纽约的民主党参议员举行记者招待会。A hostile audience refused to listen to Senator Drummond's reply.怀有敌意的听众不愿意听德拉蒙德参议员的回答。The Senator faces a challenger with conservative views.这位参议员面对的是一位持保守观点的挑战者。The Senator is expected to announce next week.参议员预计会在下周宣布参加竞选。Senator Seymour has threatened a filibuster to block the bill.参议员西摩威胁说要发表长篇演说来阻挠议案通过。The Senator has a good track record on these issues. 这位参议员在处理这些事情上有着出色的表现记录。Leading those negotiations is Senator Susan Collins of Maine.引导那些谈判走向的是缅因州的参议员苏珊・科林斯。A Senator precedes a Representative.参议员地位高于众议员。The Senator spoke of the drama of the situation in tones reminiscent of an evangelical preacher.参议员讲起这一戏剧性的场面,语气让人想起一名福音传教士。The Senator's reaction was at best ineffective and at worst irresponsible.参议员的反应从最好的方面看是未能奏效,从最坏的方面看是不负责任。Some aides privately complain that the Senator receives special treatment.一些助手私底下抱怨说这位参议员得到了特别优待。Senator Smith represents the state of Connecticut.参议员史密斯是康涅狄格州的代表。He was obliged, for the sake of humouring his pregnant daughter-in-law, to invite the Senator and Rosemary occasionally to dinner.为了迁就怀孕的儿媳,他不得不偶尔邀请参议员先生和罗斯玛丽来共进晚餐。I yield the floor to the Senator from Maine.现在请缅因州参议员讲话。Mr. Senator, do you agree with the court's decision?参议员先生,你赞同法院的判决吗?Senator Sarbanes expressed concern that programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业冲击的项目进展得并不太顺利,参议员萨班斯对此表示关切。This scandal could spoil the Senator's chances of becoming President.这一丑闻可能会毁掉参议员当选总统的希望。The Senator returns the blue slip with an indication whether he or she supports or opposes the nominee.参议员交回意见单,上面注明他或她支持还是反对被提名人。The Senator will make his decision public on Friday.参议员将在周五把他的决定公之于众。




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