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词汇 selling
例句 You could make a lot of money selling your photographs, they're excellent.你把照片卖了可以赚许多钱,那些照片太美了。They were selling fake Rolex watches on the market stall.他们正在市场摊位上出售假冒的劳力士手表。He doesn't stand a ghost of a chance of selling the house.他根本不可能把房子卖出去。Market makers earn their livings from the spread between buying and selling prices.做市商靠赚取买卖价差生存。She was arrested for selling bootlegs online.她因在网上卖盗版盘而被拘留。I advise selling your old car.我建议把你的旧车卖掉。When the Socialists changed their policy on nuclear weapons they were accused of selling out.社会党人改变了他们在核武器问题上的政策时,人们谴责他们出卖原则。He was having a thin time of it until his novel started selling.在开始出售自己的小说之前,他一直过着艰难的生活。I am not in the business of selling my best players.我并不想出售我最优秀的球员。He provided for a comfortable retirement by selling the business.他把企业卖掉,过上了舒适的退休生活。He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.他在酒馆里出售偷来的车载收音机时,被当场抓住。Being boss of a software firm beats selling insurance.当软件公司的老板比卖保险强多了。The officer was charged with selling out to the enemy.这个军官被指控投敌。The new record is selling/going like hotcakes.那张新唱片正卖得火热。This is one of our best-selling titles.这是我们的一本畅销书。He used to call himself a socialist, and now here he is selling arms to right-wing dictators.他以前常常称自己是社会主义者,而现在居然把武器出售给右翼独裁者。The court ordered the company to cease and desist from selling the photographs. 法院命令那个公司立即停止销售那些照片。Motorbike manufacturers are selling to the grey market as much as to younger people.摩托车制造商们卖给白发市场的摩托车和卖给年轻人的一样多。I wanted to be an actress but the furthest I ever got was selling popcorn in a theatre.我想成为一名演员,但我最大限度也只是在剧院里卖爆米花。He was arrested for selling pirated software.他因贩卖盗版软件被捕。That store discounts all its slow-selling goods.那家商店削价出售所有滞销货。The company has been accused of mis-selling products to thousands of elderly investors.这家公司被指控向数以千计的老年投资者误导性销售其产品。He saw himself earning a fee for selling the place.他想象自己靠卖掉这个地方赚一笔酬金。The problems with selling the house had made her much more wary about financial matters.出售房子带来的问题使她对财务问题更为谨慎了。The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials.销售价刚刚够抵付原材料费。There was a public outcry about selling arms to the rebels.公众对向叛乱分子出售武器的行为表示强烈抗议。They made a fortune by selling arms to both sides.他们通过向双方出售武器发了财。He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers.他最初通过向幽默搞笑类报纸出售卡通漫画维持生计。Small shareholders should think carefully before selling any holding.小股东卖出股份前要三思。He had this insane idea that he could get rich by selling old computers.他荒唐地认为自己靠卖旧电脑能致富。Our goal is to become the biggest-selling brand of coffee in the country.我们的目标是成为国内销量最多的咖啡品牌。The antiques he was selling turned out to be stolen.他出售的那些古董原来是偷来的。The street is lined with vendors selling handicrafts.沿街两旁有销售手工艺品的小贩。The car's new sound system is a selling point.新型音响系统是这辆车的一个个卖点。By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price.到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售股票。She said you have talent, and that's high praise coming from a best-selling author like her.她说你有才能,那是她那样的畅销书作家对你作的高度夸奖。We're selling everything in our store at low, low giveaway prices.我们正以极低的价格出售店内所有商品。Japan's department stores grew rich by selling high-priced luxury brands.日本的百货商店销售价格不菲的奢侈品牌商品,财力雄厚。She's not directly involved in the selling side of the business.她不直接参与企业的销售工作。I reasoned him out of selling his house.我说服他不把房子卖掉。




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