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词汇 seized
例句 He seized the chance to make amends for his behavior.他抓住机会补救他的行为。She seized the doll and dashed it against the wall.她抓起这个玩偶猛地向墙上摔去。I seized the chance to interview the sports minister about this issue.我抓住机会就这个问题采访了体育部长。Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这个镇。Troops have seized the airport.军队已夺取机场。When blue devils had seized him, he couldn't eat.当他忧郁时,他饭也吃不下。She was seized by a murderous rage.她被一种可怕的愤怒情绪所控制。He suddenly seized the lead in the final lap of the race.他在比赛最后一圈突然领先。I was suddenly seized by an attack of cramp.我突然抽筋了。It seized the chance to earn the gratitude of potential women voters by granting their enfranchisement.它通过给予女性选民选举权而抓住机会,卖给她们一个人情。Soon he was seized with fits of gloominess.一阵阵的忧郁立即向他袭来。The airfield was seized by enemy troops.机场被敌军占领。He seized up a great stone, and crowded it chock against the slipping wheel.他搬起一块大石头,用它紧紧地轧住那只打滑的轮子。Police were reported to have seized all copies of this morning's edition of the newspaper.据说警方已经将该报纸今天的早间版全部没收。Panic seized him. = He was seized by panic.他突然恐慌起来。In a devastating display of military muscle, soldiers seized the town.士兵占领了这座城市,展示了强大的军事震慑力量。The soldiers fell on the villagers and seized all their weapons.士兵们袭击了村民,并缴获了所有武器。He seized the chance/initiative/opportunity to present his ideas to his boss.他抓住机会/主动权/机遇跟老板陈述了自己的想法。She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.她抓起玩具娃娃,用力往石墙上扔去。Anatomy has seized upon three-D to give a new view for teaching and researching purposes.解剖学已采用立体视成像设备为教学与科研提供新的视域。Hearing a noise, he seized his gun from the drawer.一听到声音他马上就从抽屉里抓起枪。Robbers tied up security guards and seized the money.强盗们把保安捆绑住,并抢走了钱。She seized the letter and thrust it into her bosom.她一把夺过信来,塞进胸前衣襟。Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.五年前,一群不满现状的人夺取了政权,其中主要是文化程度不高的激进分子。Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.警方在昨天的凌晨突袭中缴获了价值数千英镑的毒品。Weapons were also seized during the drug raid.在突击搜查毒品时还搜到了武器。We seized on his remark and regarded it as a promise.我们抓住他的话把它当作是一种承诺。She seized on every excuse to avoid doing the work.为避免做这件事她抓住每一个借口。They are completely seized of the need to push forward.他们充分了解往前推进的必要性。UN officials say two military observers were seized by the Khmer Rouge yesterday.联合国官员称昨天有两名军事观察员被红色高棉逮捕。A wave of panic seized me.我突然感到一阵惊慌失措。He seized me by the shoulders and shook me vigorously.他抓住我的肩膀,用力地摇我。Her camera was illegally seized at the border.她的照相机在边境被非法扣押了。The army has seized control of the city.军队控制了这座城市。She seized on the offer of a free trip.她紧紧把握这次免费旅行的机会。A wild frenzy of panic seized her.她陷入一阵极度的恐慌。Dad brought a notebook along to the beach, in case he was seized by sudden inspiration.爸爸带了一个笔记本去海滩,如果突然有了灵感可以记录下来。The soldiers seized the fort.士兵们攻占了堡垒。The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines.那件事被小报揪住不放,并用大字标题刊载。She was seized with terror at the thought of going there.一想到去那儿,她就充满了恐惧。




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