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词汇 second-hand
例句 He managed to find a second-hand Ferrari in showroom condition.他设法找到了一辆簇新的二手法拉利车。Do you know where I can buy a second-hand bicycle?你知道哪里可以买二手的自行车吗?Far more boats are bought second-hand than are bought brand new.买二手船的人要远比买新船的多。He conceded that second-hand accounts are leading to rumour and counter-rumour.他承认道听途说会引发谣言和辟谣。You can pick up second-hand baby clothes very cheaply.买二手的婴儿装很便宜。All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来的二手材料。She buys all her clothes second-hand.她买的衣服都是旧的。This bike is second-hand but it's still in good condition.这辆自行车是二手货,但车况还不错。Max spent the whole afternoon looking around a second-hand book store.马克斯整个下午都在逛一家旧书店。Buying that second-hand car without having it checked by a mechanic first cost us dear.没先请机修工检查就买了那辆二手汽车,这让我们亏了许多钱。Buying a second-hand car can be very tricky. You really have to have your wits about you.买二手车可能会上当,你真得留点神。The public library is organizing a second-hand book sale.公共图书馆在组织一次二手书市。I was abroad at the time, so I got the news second-hand.当时我在国外,所以我间接得知了该消息。The second-hand version is a poor copy of the original.盗版版本是对原版的低劣复制。It was bought not from any old second-hand bookshop but from an antiquarian bookseller.这本书不是从老二手书店而是从一个古书商那里买到的。The denunciation was made on the basis of second-hand information.这些指责是依据二手信息提出的。They rummage through piles of second-hand clothes for something that fits.他们在一堆堆的二手衣服里翻找着合身的衣服。Do you have any tips on buying a second-hand car?对于购买二手车你有何心得?I bought my bike second-hand.我买了一辆二手车。New and second-hand books for sale.新书和二手书均有出售。I'm on the lookout for a second-hand car.我正留心著想买辆二手车。The denunciation was made on the basis of second-hand information.这个指控是根据二手消息提出的。Did you buy your bike new or second-hand?你买的自行车是新的还是二手货?Others donated second-hand clothes.其他人捐赠了一些旧衣服。We just can't find enough good second-hand cars to satisfy demand.我们实在找不到足够多的性能良好的二手车,满足不了需求。I finally ran a copy to earth in a second-hand bookshop.我找了好久,终于在一家二手书店找到了一本。He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.他逛了一家旧书店。I applied for a personal loan to buy a second-hand car.我申请了个人贷款来购买一辆二手车。Do you know anyone who's looking for a second-hand motor?你知道有谁想要买二手车吗?This website tells you the market price of all makes of second-hand car.这个网站为你提供所有牌子二手车的市价。We haven't seen Joyce since the accident. All our information is second-hand.事故之后我们就没见过乔伊斯,我们得到的消息都是听说的。We found two second-hand chairs that were going for a song.我们发现两把以极低价格出售的二手椅子。The business deals in second-hand books.这家店经营二手书。I'll keep my eyes and ears open for a second-hand bike for you.我会为你留心哪儿有二手自行车的。The second-hand shop on the corner sells just about anything.街角的那个旧货店差不多什么都卖。I stumbled upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore.我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书。This second-hand computer looks as good as new.这台二手电脑看上去崭新崭新的。Many children suffer from the effects of second-hand smoke.许多小孩受二手烟之害。Buying a second-hand car can be a risky business.买二手车可能有风险。All this had been culled second-hand from radio reports.这都是从电台报道中采集来的二手信息。




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