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词汇 second
例句 My personal life has had to take second place to my career.我的私人生活不得不为事业让路。I missed the second episode of the series so I don't know what's going on now.我错过了系列剧的第二集,所以不知道现在的剧情进展如何。Gillespie's goal set the scene for an exciting second half.吉莱斯皮的进球为下半场的精彩比赛铺平了道路。We won the first game and lost the second.我们赢了第一场,输了第二场。The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war.这些岛屿是在二战末期被苏联军队占领的。The article continues in the second section of the newspaper.这篇文章下接报纸的第二版。Any doctor worth her salt would have advised you to get a second opinion before having major surgery.任何称职的医生都会建议你在动大手术之前要听听其他医生的意见。He tried for second place but finished third instead.他力争第二名,结果得了个第三。Mr Gold is divorcing for the second time.戈尔德先生正准备第二次离婚。Sometimes his eyes would glaze over for a second or two.有时候他会两眼发直,持续一两秒钟。This murderous lunatic could kill them both without a second thought.这个杀人狂会不假思索地把他们两个都杀了。Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls.琼斯由于屡次犯规在下半场中被罚出场。 The prospect of relegation is a comedown for a club that finished second two seasons ago.一家两个赛季前曾排名第二的俱乐部竟然有降级之虞,真是太落魄了。His cronies are a bunch of second-raters who aren't up to the job.他的伙伴是一群无法胜任这项工作的平庸之辈。Damn! That's the second pair of tights I've laddered today!真该死!我今天换上的第二双长筒袜也刮破了。When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear.离合器失灵后,汽车只能在二挡行驶。He slid into the bag and was safe at second base.他滑进垒包,成功上二垒。Rice is second only to corn as the state's major crop.大米是这个州除了玉米之外最重要的农作物。He put on his second best suit.他穿上了自己第二好的西装。He tapped home his second goal from close range.他近距离触球破门,梅开二度。This website tells you the market price of all makes of second-hand car.这个网站为你提供所有牌子二手车的市价。Editors and contributors are trying to second-guess the future.编辑们和撰稿者们在试图预测未来。He is having second thoughts about coming to London.他去伦敦的想法开始动摇。He was targeted by terrorists for a second time last night.他昨晚第二次成为恐怖分子的袭击目标。Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand.用另一只手小心地把细绳缠到第二根茎上。French remained her second language for the rest of her life.在她的余生中,法语一直是她的第二语言。She ran her second-best time of the year.她跑出了今年的第二好成绩。McNeill rammed home the winning goal in the second half.麦克尼尔在下半场比赛中一脚劲射踢入致胜一球。The second missile soared into space.第二枚导弹升入太空。If he'd reacted a fraction of a second later, he would surely have died.如果他当时反应稍慢一丁点儿,就必死无疑了。That second night, Sid Vicious chucked a bottle at the stage.第二天晚上,席德·维瑟斯朝舞台上扔了个瓶子。The second crop was not as good as the first.第二季的收成没有第一季的好。He was voted in for a second term of office.他当选连任该职位。The occupants of the second car suffered minor injuries.第二辆轿车上的人受了点轻伤。The decision to keep him in hospital for a second night underlines the seriousness of his injury.让他在医院再住一晚的决定表明了其伤势的严重性。The book is already in its second printing, and a third printing is scheduled for later this year.这部书已经是第二次印刷了,第三次印刷计划在今年晚些时候进行。Computers can perform millions of calculations every second.计算机每秒钟能进行数百万次的运算。I went up to the second floor.我上到二楼。They turned up the heat in the second half mounting attack after attack on the City goal.他们在下半场加强了攻势,向城市队的球门发起了一波又一波进攻。John overran second base and was tagged out.约翰跑过二垒垒位因而被触杀出局。




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