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Criminals such as these cannot be allowed to get away scot-free.这样的罪犯不能让其逍遥法外。Despite the terrorist attack, most tourists in Paris are still scot-free.尽管巴黎发生了恐怖攻击,但大多数的游客还是无伤的。Others who were guilty were being allowed to get off scot-free.其他犯罪人员不予处罚。The murderers are scot-free to this day.凶手至今逍遥法外。Despite the evidence against him, Heston got off scot-free.尽管证据对他不利,赫斯顿却没受到惩罚。It's not fair. I was punished and they got off scot-free. 这不公平,我受到惩罚而他们却逍遥法外。The burglar escaped scot-free with the booty.窃贼带着赃物安然逃脱。 |