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词汇 scored
例句 He scored and the crowd went crazy.他得分了,人群疯狂了。He scored highest overall.他获得的总分最高。She seems to have scored with her latest novel.她的最新小说似乎很成功。They scored a quick hoop on a fast break.他们打快攻,迅速投篮得分。She scored a goal to tie the game.她进了一球,平了这场比赛。A great cheer went up when the first goal was scored.第一个球进了,爆发出了巨大的欢呼声。He scored with his first touch of the ball.他第一次触球就得分了。He clearly sensed that some points could be scored.他清楚地意识到有些分数是可以拿到的。He juked a couple of defenders and scored.他用假动作晃过几名防守球员破门得分。The clincher was City's second goal, scored minutes from the end.锁定胜局的是曼城队的第二粒进球,破门时离比赛结束仅剩下几分钟。He scored a goal on a lucky shot.他幸运地射入一球。Cusack promptly scored with his first touch.丘萨克第一次触球就马上得分了。She scored on a perfect shot from the right wing.她从右翼一次完美射门得分。She scored with a set piece.她以一套精心编排的攻防套路而得分。No one scored in the first half.上半场没人得分。In most subjects the students scored well above average.在大部分科目中,这些学生的得分高于平均分。The Japanese navy scored a success only two days after the start of hostilities, by sinking two British battleships.战争开始才两天,日本海军就击沉两艘英国战舰,打了个胜仗。We scored midway through the match.我们在比赛进行到中局阶段时得了分。Venturini has scored the first goal in each of the two US victories in the Olympics.美国在奥运会上获胜的两场比赛中,文图里尼都是第一个破门得分的。The opposition scored a goal in the last seconds of the game.对方球队在比赛的最后几秒钟里进了一球。They scored seconds before time expired.他们在比赛结束前几秒钟射门得分。The Knicks scored in the closing seconds, forcing the game into overtime.尼克斯队在终场前几秒钟得分,使比赛进入加时。When Italy scored the winning goal the crowd went mad.意大利队攻进致胜一球时,观众都疯狂了。He scored well in the placement test and was put in the most advanced class.他在分班考试中考得不错,被分在最优秀的班里。She scored a clutch basket.她投进了关键的一球。He scored from the edge of the area.他从罚球区边缘进球得分。Footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow.脚印在雪地上留下了一条对角线。He made/scored a double bogey on the fourth hole.他在第四洞打出双柏忌。The ref gave a penalty and Zidane scored.裁判判罚点球,齐达内操刀命中。Charles scored again, with an exact duplicate of his first goal.查尔斯梅开二度,与第一次射门如出一辙。Thompson scored again in the final minutes of the game.汤普森在比赛的最后时刻再度得分。He scored the tree with a nail.他用钉子在树上刻痕。Tottenham scored the first goal of the game.托特纳姆热刺队在比赛中率先入球得分。Late in the second half, Italy took possession and scored.下半场即将结束的时候,意大利队控球并且得分。After they scored their fourth goal, the rout was on. 他们进了第四个球之后,对方败局已定。Whenever their team scored a goal, they clanked their beer cans together.每当他们的球队进了一个球,他们就欢欣雀跃,把啤酒罐碰得咣当响。Our team scored three goals in the second half.我们队在下半场进了三个球。The crowd raised the roof when the winning goal was scored.当一球锁定胜局后,人群沸腾了。Jones scored with only two minutes left in the fourth quarter.第四节仅剩下最后两分钟时,琼斯得分了。Pittsburgh got possession and scored.匹兹堡队控球得分。




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