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词汇 schemes
例句 The government today gave them the go-ahead for five major road schemes.政府今天批准了他们的五个重要的公路项目。They were interested solely in schemes that would make a lot of money.他们只对能挣大钱的方案感兴趣。The local council runs some good play schemes.当地市政会主持着几个不错的娱乐计划。The department has introduced several new training schemes.该部门推出了几个新的培训方案。Only a handful of firms offer share option schemes to all their employees.只有少数几家公司向所有员工提供股票期权方案。He suggested several schemes to increase sales.他提出了几种促销方案。The stock market crash made me suspicious of those types of insurance schemes.股票市场的价格暴跌使我对那几种保险计划产生了怀疑。The government pushed through schemes to rejuvenate the inner cities.政府大力推行改造内城贫民区的计划。He lent himself to the schemes of Dionysius.他参与了狄奥尼修斯的阴谋。The council has been running training schemes for the jobless.政务委员会一直在实施针对失业者的培训计划。Most schemes attempt to reduce the cost of defence through a smaller regular army.大多数方案都试图通过缩减常备军的规模来降低国防支出。Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer.储蓄方案是现有最好的零售投资产品。Latenight TV is full of snake-oil salesmen offering get-rich-quick schemes.深夜电视节目中满是推销快速致富计划的骗子。Most of the schemes exist only on paper.大多数方案仅停留在纸面而未实施。Such schemes don't always turn out right.这种计谋不是总会得逞的。Booth invented schemes to help the disadvantaged in the community.布思制定了计划帮助社区中贫困的人。I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes.我不免觉得这可能只是她的又一个诡计。The money will be used for teacher training schemes.这笔钱将用于教师培训计划。These schemes have a nasty habit of becoming too complicated.这些方案总是变得过于复杂。There is already an element of compulsion in existing government schemes for the unemployed.政府现行的失业方案已经有点强制的意味了。He was always on his guard against moneymaking schemes.他对赚钱的计划总是保持着警惕。There's lots of money about these days for schemes like this.近来这类计划资金充足。The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes.这项研究将会帮助政府废除无效的援助计划。I will not lend myself to dishonest schemes.我不愿参与不光彩的阴谋。Such schemes mean little unless they impact on people.除非对人们有影响,否则这样的方案没有什么意义。When the attack took place, there were no victim support schemes.当袭击发生后,没有任何援助受害人的方案。Adult literacy schemes have been run with great success in the inner cities.成人扫盲计划在旧城区实施得极有成效。Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes.你要重点考虑为你的计划融资是否可行。I've had enough of your hare-brained schemes!我受够了你那些愚蠢的计划!They seem to be prepared to throw billions at all sorts of wild-eyed schemes.他们似乎准备好了要为各种不切实际的计划烧掉几十个亿。Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.个人养老金计划分两大类。Some schemes will give you an income without tying up your money in an annuity.某些方案会让你获得收益,但又不会让你把钱都投在年金上无法动用。The attractiveness of the schemes depends almost entirely on tax relief.该方案之所以吸引人几乎全倚仗其税费减免政策。This is not one of those get-rich-quick schemes that you see on the Internet.这可不是你在因特网上看到的那类暴富计划。Tourists can be vulnerable to scams and con schemes of all kinds.游客们会很容易陷入各种形形色色的骗局。Such schemes mean little unless they impact on people.这些计划没什么意义,除非它们对人民产生影响。He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.他不断想出奇特的新计划来促进和扩大业务。Alice had to figure out how to pay the rent after Ralph spent the money on another of his hare-brained schemes.拉尔夫又想出一个愚蠢的计划把钱花掉了,爱丽丝只得动脑筋,想想如何付房租。The national park is under renewed threat from road-building schemes.国家公园因为修路计划而面临新的威胁。The government will watch the progress of these schemes with interest.政府会很有兴趣地关注这些计划的进展。




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