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词汇 scattered
例句 When I go, I'd like to have my ashes scattered at sea.我死后想把骨灰撒到大海里。The police arrived. Thereupon the mob scattered.警察来了,这群乌合之众也随之散去。Account books and documents lay scattered anyhow across his desk.账簿和文件乱七八糟地散放在他的书桌上。The small town of Whitehorse, Alaska consists of a half-mile long main street and a few scattered houses.阿拉斯加的怀特霍斯镇是个小镇,由一条半英里长的大街和一些零星的房屋组成。The fridge door was open and food was scattered across the floor.冰箱门开着,食物散落在地板上。Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.垫子散放在椅子上。It was the finest collection of paintings in Denmark, but during the last war it was broken up and scattered to the four winds.这本是丹麦最好的一批藏画,但是在上一次战争中散逸各处。The plant in the corner was wilting, its brilliant yellow petals scattered on the floor.角落里那株花正在枯萎,金黄色的花瓣散落在地上。Tragically, the graves were plundered and the contents scattered.不幸的是,那些墓被盗,墓里的东西被弄得七零八落的。Since the cease-fire there have been no major battles, only scattered firefights.停火以来没有发生过重大的战斗,只不过有一些稀稀拉拉的交火。His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.他有很多后代,遍布在全国各地。Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.碎玻璃散落在地毯上。At the sound of gunfire, the crowd scattered in all directions.枪声一响,人群便四散而逃。The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots.听到枪声后抗议者便散开了。He scattered the grass seed over the soil.他把草籽撒在土上。The people live in widely scattered communities.人们住在零散分布的社区里。The wind scattered the pile of leaves.风吹散了那堆树叶。The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth.飞机残骸散落在烧焦的土地上。The books were scattered anyhow around the office.这些书凌乱地散放在办公室里。Wreckage was scattered over a wide area.残骸分散在大片区域上。The plane scattered flaming fragments over a large area.飞机燃烧的碎片散落到大片区域里。There were a number of cottages scattered here and there across the hillside.山坡那边零零星星地有一些村舍。The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.地上散落着腐烂的叶子。All manner of foodstuffs lay scattered on the kitchen table.厨房的桌子上散放着各式各样的食品。Her belongings now lay scattered in a disorderly mess.这时她的物品胡乱散落一地。Books were scattered about the room.房间里到处摊著书。The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.花落下来,撒了一地。Besides the annual vacation, one- and two-day holidays scattered throughout the year.除了一年一次的休假以外,全年还有些一天两天的零星假日。Every surface is scattered with photographs.每张桌面上都摊满了照片。Soldiers have scattered the protesters with tear gas and shotgun pellets.士兵们已经用催泪弹和滑膛枪弹丸驱散了抗议者。There were several hecklers scattered among the crowd.一些捣乱分子散布在人群中。The soldiers came in and scattered the crowd.士兵进来把人群驱散了。Scraps of wrapping paper were scattered around.包装纸的碎片扔得满地都是。Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered.屋内凌乱不堪:抽屉都掉落出来,鞋靴东一只西一只满地都是。The herd of cows were scattered over the field.牛群散布在田野上。They burned Gandhi's body and scattered the ashes on the waters of the Jumna river.他们火化了甘地的遗体,把骨灰撒在朱木拿河中。Large vases of flowers were liberally scattered around the room.房间里到处都摆着大瓶大瓶的花。The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.地上满是腐败的落叶。Books and papers were scattered round the room.房间里四处散落着书和报纸。Colourful cushions were scattered around.五颜六色的坐垫四下散放着。




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