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词汇 saved
例句 The drowning child was saved by a fisher.那个溺水的小孩被一个渔夫救了。She saved all his letters.她保存着他所有的信件。He saved every penny he earned.他赚来的一分一厘都积蓄起来了。We have saved enough to redeem our mortgage.我们已积蓄了足够的钱去偿还我们的抵押借款。He sacrificed himself and so saved his country.他牺牲自己,以此拯救了他的祖国。The doctor saved the child's life.这位医生挽救了孩子的生命。He had saved up a jarful of old pennies.他积攒了一罐一便士的旧硬币。Then they saved their breath for pulling.过后他们不再说话,专心拉车。The building must be saved from destruction.必须挽救这栋大楼免遭摧毁。I saved as much as I could, and my parents made up the rest.我尽自己所能攒了一些钱,余款由我父母凑齐。Luckily, all the passengers were saved.幸运的是,所有乘客都得救了。I saved the file onto a diskette.我把文件保存在一张软磁盘上了。Thanks for sending out that package. It saved me a trip to the post office.谢谢您寄出了那件包裹,省得我再往邮局跑了。Hazard's spot kick was well saved by the United keeper. 哈扎的点球被联队的守门员稳稳地守住了。He was saved from the electric chair by a last-minute reprieve.最后一刻的死刑缓刑令把他从电椅上解救了下来。Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.如果在更广的范围内安装报警器,就可能挽救成百上千的生命。Thanks for helping me out—you really saved my hide! 感谢你为我解围—你真是救了我!The runners saved their energy for the last lap. = The runners saved themselves for the last lap.运动员为最后一圈保存体力。He said quite positively that he would come, so I've saved a place for him.他很肯定地说他会来,所以我给他留了个位子。This equipment has saved the lives of a number of newborn children.这种设备已经挽救了多名新生儿的生命。I should have listened to my father's wise counsel, and saved some money instead of spending it all.我本该听从父亲的明智忠告,把钱省下一些而不是挥霍一空。The polio vaccine has saved millions of lives.脊髓灰质炎疫苗挽救了数以百万计的生命。He was recognized for having saved many lives.他因为救了很多人的生命而受到嘉奖。Thank you, my friend, you kinda saved my life.谢谢你,朋友,可以说是你救了我的命。This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.这套设备已经挽救了许多新生儿的生命。They saved the old factory from the wrecking ball. 他们使旧厂房免于被拆除的命运。The quick action of the firemen saved the building from being burned down.消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。Thanks for your help - it saved me a lot of work.谢谢你的帮助——这省了我很多事。The money saved could be used for more deserving causes.省下来的钱可以用于更有意义的事业。We are still relatively optimistic that the factory can be saved.我们仍然比较乐观地认为工厂能够得到挽救。He saved his bombshell until the last.他直到最后才说出他那惊人的事情。A quick recovery saved the skidding car.那辆侧滑的汽车迅速恢复平衡方免倾覆之灾。The information is saved in a spreadsheet format for further analysis.这一信息以电子表格的格式储存以便进一步分析。Some of his books were saved from the fire, but most of mine are missing.他的书籍中有一些从大火中抢救了出来,可我的书大部分都丢失了。They saved up problems to tell their partners later.他们把问题都堆着,之后再告诉他们的另一半。The programme has saved thousands of children who would otherwise have died.该项目挽救了成千上万原本可能会死亡的儿童。His meager allotment of gas had to be saved for emergencies.他分到的那一点点煤气必须留着急用。Fortunately, we had enough saved up for a nice flat.幸好我们有足够的积蓄租一套不错的公寓。I've got a reasonable amount of money saved.我攒了不少的一笔钱。Fire chiefs praised a 10-year-old girl who saved her brother's life yesterday.昨天消防队长们表扬了一名拯救了弟弟生命的十岁女孩。




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