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词汇 sarcasm
例句 There was just a touch of sarcasm in her voice.她的话音里含有一丝挖苦。Do I detect a soupçon of sarcasm in what you just said?我从你的话里觉察到了一点点讽刺意味,是不是这样?Keith hoped the obvious sarcasm would have its intended effect.基思希望这一明显的讽刺能达到预期的效果。Fred ignored the sarcasm.弗雷德对讽刺挖苦置之不理。Her writing is spiked with sarcasm.她的文章暗含讽刺。He'd been sending darts of sarcasm in her direction all evening.整个晚上他都把她作为冷嘲热讽的目标。I don't traffic in sarcasm.我不会讽刺挖苦别人。James caught the sarcasm in her voice.詹姆斯在她的语调里察觉到了一丝讥讽的味道。His voice was heavy with sarcasm.他的话语里充满了嘲讽。Her patronizing sarcasm made my blood boil.她那屈尊俯就的嘲笑使我怒火中烧。We quickly became inured to his sarcasm.我们很快就习惯了他的尖酸刻薄。There is a whiff of sarcasm in it.这里面带有一点点讥讽的味道。There's no call for sarcasm!犯不着这么挖苦人!I detected a whiff of sarcasm in her voice.我察觉出她的语气中带有些许讽刺意味。My sarcasm seemed to have touched him on the raw.我的讽刺看来已触及他的痛处。Her comment was meant to be interpreted as sarcasm.她的评论注定会被理解为挖苦。She answered him with slow sarcasm.她以慢条斯理的讽刺口吻回答他。Susie found his sarcasm very hurtful, but she didn't reply.苏茜觉得他的讽刺很伤人,但没有答话。He made the remark without a hint of sarcasm.他那句话没有丝毫讽刺意味。I love him for his cutting wit and dry sarcasm.我喜欢他的机敏才智和不形于色的嘲讽。This is no time to indulge in sarcasm.现在可不是一味讽刺挖苦的时候。Her sarcasm is a mask for her insecurity.她的讽刺挖苦是为了掩饰她的不安全感。His voice was heavily laden with sarcasm. 他的话语充满了讽刺。He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm.他说话总带著一丝讽刺。The sarcasm in her voice was unmistakable.她话音中的讽刺意味是明白无误的。You don't know whom your sarcasm may hit.你不知道你的讽刺会伤害到谁。I detected a touch of sarcasm in his remarks.我察觉到他的话中有一丝讥讽的味道。He didn't intend any sarcasm.他没有任何讽刺的意思。His voice was dripping with sarcasm.他的话里满是讥讽。




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