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They refused to sanction segregation.他们拒绝支持种族隔离。The conference gave its official sanction to the change of policy.大会正式批准了政策的改变。Official sanction has not yet been given.尚未获得正式批准。One more bank will provide sanction for both construction finance as well as home finance.还有一家银行将为建设及住宅资金提供支持。The church refused to sanction the king's second marriage.教会拒绝批准国王的第二次婚姻。Apparently, the aide had acted without White House sanction.这名助理的所作所为显然未经过白宫的批准。As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.作为最高的处罚,他们可以出售他们的股份。The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.未经议会批准,国王不能制定法律。No decision can be taken without the sanction of the committee.未经委员会的许可,不得作出任何决定。When a pain occurs, quiet your mind, and don't let it give sanction to the pain.当疼痛袭来,稳定情绪,不要让它助长了痛感。I supposed that the ministers would sanction my clerical efforts, but they didn't.我想牧师们会支持我的神职工作,可是他们却没有。Some children who see constant violence on TV can find a sanction for violent acts of their own.有些经常观看电视暴力节目的孩子可为自己的暴力行为找到根据。He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.他似乎正准备批准增加公共借款。There is no sanction for autocracy.没有人赞成独裁统治。The country acted without the sanction of the other nations.这个国家在未取得其他国家认可前,就采取了行动。The Bishop refused to sanction racial discrimination.主教拒绝支持种族歧视。He will not sanction the use of force.他不会准许使用武力。War was declared without the sanction of parliament.在没有获得议会批准的情况下宣战了。Some people maintained that shame may operate as the principal sanction against wrongdoing.有些人认为廉耻之心可成为防止干坏事的主要约束力。Their policy has/lacks legal sanction.他们的这项政策得到了/未取得法律批准。Expulsion from the school is the ultimate sanction.开除学籍是最严重的处罚。He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.他现在可能打算批准使用武力。Only the medical council can apply a sanction against a doctor.只有医学委员会才能对医生实施处罚。The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.安理会将考虑未来采取措施打击破坏制裁的人。The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.政府不愿意批准对危机进行干预。She put her foot down, forcing her family to sanction her engagement.她固执己见,迫使家人同意她的婚约。The church would not sanction his second marriage.教会不会认可他的第二次婚姻。We had little option but to sanction postponement of the match.我们除了准许比赛推迟外别无选择。 |