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词汇 sale
例句 All household/domestic appliances are now on sale.所有家用电器现在全部打折销售。The Manor is for sale at a negotiable price.该庄园现在出售,价格可议。The coffee beans are then ground and packaged for sale.随后咖啡豆被磨成粉并装盒出售。The price is low to ensure a quick sale.价格很低,目的是保证能够快速售出。The law would restrict the sale of handguns.这条法律将限制枪支销售。Opponents of the development project took the offensive and defeated the land sale.反对开发项目者展开攻势,挫败了出售土地的计划。There's some very good stuff in the sale.有一些很好的货色在削价出售。The new model Toyota goes on sale next month.新款的丰田汽车将于下月上市。All athletic apparel is now on sale.所有运动服现在都在降价销售。By the time we got to the sale, all the good stuff was gone.我们赶到大减价之处时,所有的好东西都卖光了。Will the new product be on sale next month?这种新产品下月会上市吗?The sale of these knives should be made illegal.应该规定销售这种刀具为违法行为。These cameras are on sale in most electrical stores.这些相机在大多数电器商店里都有售。They're having a sale on discontinued models.他们在低价抛售已经停产的产品。This is a showpiece, not for sale.这是个样品,不出售。The sale is a big coup for the auction house.这笔交易是该拍卖行的一大成功之举。Our real bete noire is the car boot sale.我们最烦那些用汽车后备箱摆摊卖旧货的。I held a yard sale to get rid of my old stuff.我在院子里搞了个旧货出售以处理旧东西。All the proceeds from the sale will go to charity.义卖所得将全部捐给慈善机构。For sale: large three-bedroom house with adjoining terrace and garden.房屋出售:三间大卧室,带露台和花园。There was only one dinky store with a few cans of soup and some other useless junk for sale.只有一家很简陋的商店,卖的是一些汤罐头和其他一些没有用的杂物。That house at the end of our road is up for sale again.我们这条路尽头的那座房子又要出售了。I'm sorry, the books are not for sale.对不起,这些书不卖。The company was put up for sale yesterday in an unexpected move by management.资方作出令人震惊之举,竟在昨天宣布要出售公司。I have two tickets for sale. Any takers?我有两张票要卖,有人要吗?He had never intended living there after his wife's death and immediately set about trying to make a sale.妻子去世后他就不打算住在那里了,因此马上着手要将其卖掉。He took the proceeds from the sale of his business and invested in stocks.他将出售自己公司所获的收益投资于股票。We've just seen a really beautiful house and, as it happens, it's for sale.我们刚看到一幢非常漂亮的房子,凑巧的是,它正待售。I was lucky to get it as part of a job lot at a sale.我运气好,在一次大减价时买到的一堆次货中得到了这个。The old flower and fruit market has been put up for sale.旧的花草水果市场已开始求售了。The store promises bargains galore during its weekend sale.这家店承诺在周末特卖活动中推出大量特价商品。That painting is not for sale.那幅画不出售。I hope the sale of tobacco will be outlawed someday.我希望有朝一日烟草制品会禁止销售。Eggs known to be infected with salmonella were allowed to go on sale.已知带有沙门氏菌的鸡蛋允许销售。That particular item is not for sale.那件货物为非卖品。The new stamps are now on sale at post offices.新邮票现在各邮局有售。They've got shedloads of stuff for sale.他们有大量的东西要出售。I bought these jeans at half price in the sale.我在特卖会上以半价买了这条牛仔裤。House for sale, two bedrooms. Viewing by appointment only.两居室出售,看房请务必预约。The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay the loan.销售所得将用来偿还贷款。




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