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词汇 sagged
例句 She sagged against the door.她倚在门上。His face and body sagged as his fury faded.怒火平息时,他的脸和身体也松弛下来。The roof sagged at one corner, where the ceiling beams had snapped with rot.在吊顶梁腐烂断裂的那个角处屋顶塌陷了下来。The door sagged drunkenly on one hinge.门摇摇晃晃地挂在一根铰链上。Her cheeks sagged with age.她因年老而脸颊凹陷。The couch sagged from overuse.沙发因坐得太多而凹陷了。The dollar held up well this morning but the pound sagged.今天上午美元坚挺,但英镑下跌了。His face sagged with weariness.他的面容因疲倦而委顿。His gut sagged out over his belt.他的大肚子松松地垂在腰带上。The chair sagged beneath his weight. 他太重,把椅子都压塌了。His upper lip was flat, but the lower one sagged.他上唇扁平,下唇下垂。The rusty gate sagged on its hinges.锈蚀的大门斜挂在铰链上。Helga's body sagged forward.黑尔佳向前瘫倒下去。As all our efforts failed, our spirits sagged.我们的努力均告失败,士气变得低落。The shelf sagged under the weight of hundreds of volumes.在数百本书的重压下,书架向下凹陷了。She sagged in moments of self-abhorrence.每当她有自我憎恶感时,人就变得萎靡不振。He suddenly sagged down on the ground.他突然瘫倒在地。The bed sagged in the middle when he sat on it.他一坐在床上,床的中间便陷了下去。Martin sighed and sagged back in his chair.马丁叹了口气,瘫坐在椅子上。The volume of goods sold in stores sagged.商店的销售量下降。The shelf sagged under the weight of so many books.装的书太多,这个书架压弯了。Morrison took the news badly and from then on his spirits noticeably sagged.这消息对莫里森打击很大,从那以后,他明显萎靡不振。




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