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词汇 rush up
例句 He rushed up to the bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time.他一步两级地冲向楼上的卧室。The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校挥舞着枪冲向厄尔。I rushed up the stairs/to the office/to find a phone.我飞奔上楼梯/匆匆赶到办公室/赶忙去找电话。I nearly tripped and fell as I retreated from a gentleman who rushed up to me.一名绅士冲着我急急走来,我连忙退避,差一点绊倒在地。The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校冲向厄尔,朝他挥着枪。Kids rushed up to her like autograph hounds to a movie star.孩子们像索要签名的粉丝冲向电影明星一样一起涌向她。When he speaks he rushes up and down the scale.他说话时音调忽高忽低。My father held me back, otherwise I would have rushed up onto the stage.要不是我父亲拦着我,我早就冲上台去了。




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