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词汇 明显
例句 The government has conspicuously failed to intervene.政府明显干预无果。There are obvious parallels between computer systems and the working of the human brain.计算机系统和人脑的工作有明显的相似之处。The difference between their views on this issue is not clear-cut.他们在这一问题上的分歧并不明显He speaks with a distinct Southern accent.他说话带有明显的南方口音。The odds were stacked in the Labour Party's favour, so it was a great surprise when they were not elected.工党有明显的优势,所以他们落选极为出人意料。The project has been beset by plain and simple managerial incompetence.该项目陷入了明显的管理不力的困境。When the judge summed up, it was clear he wanted a guilty verdict.当法官作结案陈词时,他明显想作出有罪裁决。It was a clear breach of professional duty.那是明显的失职行为。Her appearance has not changed appreciably. 她的样子没有明显变化。Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend.托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明显被他的女朋友驯服帖了。Shaun became noticeably diffident when the conversation turned to the subject of his promotion.当话题转到肖恩升级这事的时候,他明显变得不好意思起来。There still remained one stark difference between the two men.这两个人之间仍有一个明显的差别。Loch plainly felt guilty about it.洛赫明显对此感到愧疚。There is a marked change of tone in the second half of the book.这本书后一半的基调有明显的变化。Slurred speech is usually a telltale sign of intoxication.说话含糊不清通常是酒醉的明显征兆。There was a noticeable chill in the air.空气中明显带着一股寒意。He was plainly annoyed.明显恼火了。My lawyer is pulling their case to pieces.我的律师明显把他们的案子搞砸了。There is a clear link between exposure to radiation and some forms of cancer.接触辐射与患某些癌症之间有明显的联系。These conclusions are demonstrably wrong.这些结论明显是错误的。The patient was irresponsive to treatment.在这个病人身上未见有明显疗效。The cracks in their relationship were becoming evident.他们之间的问题日趋明显The talks made little evident progress towards agreement.会谈在达成一致方面几乎没有取得明显进展。These are conditions said by doctors to be strongly indicative of heart failure.这些症状都是医生们说的心力衰竭的明显前兆。There is a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.国内和国际政治之间有着明显的差别。The treatment has no significant side effects.这种治疗没有明显的副作用。Douglas was noticeably silent about his feelings for his father.道格拉斯明显不愿提及自己对父亲的感情。There is no obvious correlation between profit and top managers' pay.利润和最高级经理人员的薪金之间无明显联系。There's also been a noticeable rise in the political temperature.政治气氛也明显升温了。Improvement is noticeable in all the tests.在所有的试验中可以看到明显的好转。In an obvious reference to the president, he talked of corruption in high places.他谈到了高层的贪污腐败,明显是在影射总统。His distinctive accent would have been a dead giveaway.明显的口音原本是会把他彻底暴露的。His unhappiness was clear from the expression on his face.他的不快乐明显地表露在脸上。The movie has clearly radicalized some voters.这部电影明显让一些选举人变得更为激进了。The performance was noticeably better during the second half of the concert.音乐会后半部分的演出明显好多了。The Russians were visibly wavering.那些俄国人明显在犹豫。The weather had turned decidedly chilly.天气明显变冷了。The racial mix is to change noticeably.种族比例将发生明显变化。The smell was immediately noticeable when you walked in the front door.一走进前门就能明显地闻到这股味道。There was an unmistakable fault in the material.材料里明显有错。




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