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词汇 父亲
例句 Her father was unhealthy and looked like a prime candidate for a heart attack. 父亲健康状况不佳,看起来很有可能会心脏病发作。My father held sin in abomination.父亲痛恨罪恶。Eleanor gave her father an exasperated look.埃莉诺怒气冲冲地瞪了她父亲一眼。History is littered with men and women spurred into achievement by a father's disregard.历史上因为被父亲漠视而发奋成功的儿女数不胜数。He looks for all the world like his father.他和他父亲长得一模一样。Her father was very proud of her.父亲为她感到无比骄傲。Her father gave her the alternative of going on to college or starting to work.父亲让她在上大学继续求学和开始工作之间作出抉择。Ann wanted to make her peace with her father before he died.安想在父亲去世之前和他言归于好。I didn't want my child to grow up in the knowledge that its father was a mercenary.我不想让孩子在成长过程中知道自己父亲曾是一名雇佣兵。She finally escaped from the tyranny of her father.她最终逃离了父亲的专制。Your father and I are very disappointed in/with you.我和你父亲都对你很不满意。His father gave him a sound beating for making trouble.父亲因他捣蛋而狠狠打了他一顿。My father served in the navy during the Second World War.父亲在第二次世界大战期间在海军服役。You shouldn't talk to your father like that.你不应该这样和你父亲说话。My father gave him his start in life.我的父亲帮他开创了事业。His father had suffered from the selfsame disease.他的父亲曾得过同样的病。When my father was a child, a television was an unheard-of luxury.在我父亲小时候,电视机是一种前所未闻的奢侈品。My father expected perfection from all of us.父亲期望我们都尽善尽美。My father decided to slip a little extra spending money into my purse as a surprise.为了给我一个惊喜,父亲决定往我的钱包里多塞一些零花钱。Her lachrymation failed to change her father's mind.她的眼泪没能改变她父亲的心意。After a heavy lunch my father fell asleep almost immediately.午餐饱餐一顿后,我父亲几乎立刻就睡着了。He became the fourth earl on the death of his father.父亲去世后,他成为第四代伯爵。She and my father were at each other's throats over politics.她和我父亲就政治问题激烈争吵。She told us many tales about when our father was a child.她给我们讲了许多父亲小时候的故事。His father is a staff sergeant in the army.父亲是一名陆军上士。His father is on the wrong side of 60.父亲已过花甲之年。He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move.他温顺地坐在那里,心满意足地等着他父亲走第一步棋。My mother has learnt to play along with the bizarre conversations begun by father.母亲学会了假装附和由父亲提起的奇怪话题。His father gained day by day.父亲的病情日益好转。While the father was in jail, the whole family suffered his disgrace.父亲入狱,全家人蒙羞。By convention, the bride's father gives her away at her wedding.按照惯例,新娘的父亲在婚礼上把她交给新郎。He's put his father in an old people's home.他把他父亲送进了一家养老院。It took a whole lifetime to solve the mystery of her father's disappearance.她用了一生的时间才解开父亲失踪之谜。He finally faced up to his father, mano a mano, telling him he was going to leave college.他最终与父亲当面摊牌,告诉他自己要从大学辍学。I knew my father would be angry if he knew I was in debt, and I weighed my words carefully before asking him for money.我知道我父亲要是知道我欠债了准会生气,所以在向他要钱时我仔细斟酌了词句。By this time my father was totally incapacitated by his illness.到这个时候,我父亲已经病得完全不能自理了。My father taught me several revolutionary songs.父亲教了我几首革命歌曲。To round off her education, her father sent her to a Swiss finishing school.为了让她圆满完成学业,父亲把她送进了瑞士的一所女子精修学校。The thought of becoming a father terrified Mark.一想到要当父亲马克就感到恐惧。I am trying to arrange my father's financial affairs.我正尽力安排父亲财务上的事宜。




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