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词汇 rushing
例句 John went rushing off down the corridor.约翰沿走廊飞奔而去。People were rushing about, trying to find the driver.人们跑来跑去,想找到那位司机。She was rushing through her supper.她正急急忙忙吃晚饭。Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs.电影公司趁着刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着赶拍怪兽电影。It's all too soon; you're rushing your fences.这为时尚早,你太急性子了。The City is full of hyperactive executives who never stop rushing around.这个城市里到处都是精力过人的行政人员,他们一刻也闲不下来。At that moment a truck came rushing around the corner.那时一辆卡车绕过街角冲过来。She's been rushing about here, there, and everywhere, trying to keep everyone happy.她一直四处奔波,为的是争取让每个人都高兴。The air was rushing past us all the time.气流一直从我们身边呼啸而过。She is rushing a sorority.她正在办理手续加入女生联谊会。Lawyers are not noted for rushing into change.律师并非以仓促求变著称。The full horror of last night had come rushing back.昨晚糟糕的经历一下子全都涌现了出来。She spends the day rushing from one meeting to another.她成天在会场之间奔波。Californians are rushing to enroll in special aerobics classes.加利福尼亚人在争先恐后地报名参加专门的有氧运动课。We began rushing around madly in the dark.我们开始在黑暗中拼命四散奔逃。Heavy rainfall turned the river into a rushing/raging torrent.大雨将河水变成了汹涌的激流。Marketers, therefore, go out of their way to inform us when their product is the largest selling or fastest growing of its kind, and television commercials regularly depict crowds rushing to stores to acquire the advertised item.因此,市场推广人员特意告诉我们他们的产品是销路最好的或成长最快的,而电视广告则经常描述说人群涌向商场抢购广告介绍的产品。With storm clouds rushing over them, the mountains looked dark and forbidding.黑云压顶,群山显得阴森森的,险恶狰狞。I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step.我不会仓促行事,我会一步一步地来。He led the league in rushing/passing yardage.他在整个联赛中跑动带球码数/传球码数遥遥领先。Studios are rushing out high school movies.电影公司在赶制以中学为题材的影片。I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.我劝他不要急急忙忙递交辞职书。We heard the sounds of the river rushing past boulders below.我们听到河水奔腾而过大圆石的声音。My mornings are spent rushing around after him.我每天早上都跟着他到处跑。The team has a strong rushing defense/attack.这个队有很强的带球跑动防守/进攻能力。She thought of the tide rushing in, covering the wet sand.她想象潮汐涌来,淹没潮湿的沙滩。Helen came rushing into the room.海伦冲进屋子。When he saw her photo, memories came rushing back.当他看到她的照片时,回忆一下子涌现在脑海里。Both children came rushing out in a riotous welcome.两个孩子都冲了出来,闹嚷嚷地表示欢迎。I stretched out and listened to the sound of the rushing stream.我躺了下来,听着潺潺的溪流。Instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful.我不想混日子,我想做点更有意义的事情。People were rushing past me on their way to work.人们匆匆从我身边走过去上班。There's a lot of rushing up and down the gangways.舷梯上许多人上上下下。Two men came rushing into the room.两名男子冲进房间。She hung on as the freezing, rushing water cascaded past her.她抓得紧紧的,任凭冰冷湍急的水流从她身上倾泻而下。The rushing waves bore all before them.奔腾的波涛把面前的一切统统席卷而去。Lucy came rushing upstairs after her sister.露茜跟着她姐姐直奔楼上来。Managed care companies aren't rushing toward new places to spend money.那些托管型医疗保健公司不会一窝蜂地冲到新领域上去花钱。The relationship was too important to risk rushing his fences.这一关系太重要了,他不能鲁莽行事。The rushing water broke through the barrier.湍急的水流冲破了屏障。




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