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例句 Mo rushed off down the corridor.莫匆匆走过走廊。At Temple station, Charlotte rushed into the Ladies.一到坦普尔站,夏洛特立即冲进了女厕所。They rushed the burial through so no evidence would show up.他们仓促举行了葬礼,掩盖了所有证据。He rushed the boy from behind and beat him severely.他从背后袭击了那个男孩,狠狠打了他一顿。They rushed her into the examination room.他们把她急忙带到检查室。We rushed the children off to school.我们赶紧把孩子从家中送到了学校。We rushed to the store as soon as we left work but arrived too late.我们一下班就直奔商店,但还是太迟了。She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm.她冲出屋子走进了狂卷著的暴风雪中。The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through.快速列车急驰而过时,整个车站似乎都在震动。He was rushed to hospital but died from his injuries.他被迅速送到医院,但因伤势严重不治身亡。Police yelled at the crowd to stay back, but people rushed forward.警方向人群大喊让他们不要靠近,但是人们还是向前挤。Someone inside the building rushed out.大楼里有个人冲了出来。He waved at the waiter, who rushed to the table.他冲服务员招了招手,服务员就急忙跑到桌边。We just dropped everything and rushed to the hospital.我们立刻放下手上的活儿,跑到医院去了。She rushed through her script.她匆匆地答完考卷。The whole meeting felt rushed and badly planned.整个会议让人觉得仓促而缺乏计划。Everyone rushed outside.大家冲到了外面。The Red Cross rushed medical supplies to the war zone.红十字会火速将医疗物资送往战区。He rushed offstage.他冲向后台。The blood rushed to her face as she realized her error.当她意识到了自己的错误时血一下子涌上了她的脸。George zapped through his homework and rushed out to play basketball.乔治匆匆做完作业,然后冲出去踢足球了。They rushed to the hospital, but they were too late.他们急忙赶到医院,但是已经太迟了。I cleaned my teeth, flattened down my hair, and rushed out of the door.我刷好牙,梳平头发,然后匆匆地出门去了。There was complete bedlam as everyone rushed for the shops.每个人都冲向商店时局面完全一片混乱。Emma started from her chair and rushed to the window.埃玛从椅子上惊跳起来,向窗口冲去。Survivors of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital.事故幸存者被急速送往最近的医院。Political leaders rushed to offer congratulations on the birth of the third in line to the throne.政治领导人争先恐后对王位第三顺位继承人的出生表示恭贺。The jockey rushed back from America to ride at Nottingham on Monday but went unrewarded.那位职业赛马骑师周一从美国赶回诺丁汉参加比赛,但是一无所获。He flung his things on and rushed out the door.他匆匆穿上衣服,奔出门去。All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen.我们三人全都匆忙跑进厨房。There was a steep rise in bullish sentiment as foreign investors rushed in.当外国投资者纷纷进入股市,看涨情绪陡然上升。The legislation had been rushed through parliament.议会已经草草通过了这项法规。The nurse rushed in, tutting with irritation.护士冲了进去,不高兴地咂着嘴。She was rushed to hospital by ambulance.她被救护车紧急送往医院。The report had all the hallmarks of a rushed job.这篇报告到处都是仓促了事的痕迹。He rushed to be at her side.他急忙跑到她身边。Protesters rushed the platform during his speech.他演讲时抗议者拥上去抢占讲台。She rushed into his arms.她扑进他的怀里。Ben rushed to his father, crowing with pleasure.本欢叫着跑向他爸爸。Torrents of water rushed down the mountain and submerged the farmland.山洪暴发,淹没了农田。




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