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词汇 rush
例句 There was a mad rush when the store opened.店门一开,人们疯了似的冲了进来。I don't want to rush you, but the shop's about to close.我并不想催你,但商店就要关门了。Where are you off to in such a rush?你这么匆忙地去哪儿?I felt a rush of adrenaline as I walked onto the stage.走上舞台的时候,我感到很亢奋。The boss gave us a rush job.上司派给我们一个紧急任务。There was an undignified rush to the door as soon as the meeting ended.会议刚一结束,人们便不顾体面,冲向门口。The buses are so crowded during the rush hour, you never get a seat.高峰时间里公共汽车非常拥挤,你根本不可能坐到位子。He fought down a sudden rush of panic.他克制住一阵恐慌。It is imprudent to rush into something without thinking what may happen.不考虑可能产生的后果就贸然行事是轻率的。Keep calm, don't rush your fences.冷静些,别胡来。He had to rush back to the office and file a housing story before the secretaries went home.他不得不冲回办公室,赶在秘书们回家之前提交一篇有关住房的新闻报道。We were squashed like sardines in the rush-hour train.我们像沙丁鱼一样挤在交通高峰时期的火车上。The bomb went off in a concrete dustbin at the peak of the morning rush hour.在最繁忙的交通早高峰期,那枚炸弹在一个混凝土垃圾箱里爆炸了。It'll take a little while, we can't rush things.这需要花一些时间,我们可不能仓促从事。Jane wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air.简想冲向门口到外面去。The salesman tried to give me the bum's rush.推销员企图催我快把货物买下。The roller-coaster ride gave me a rush. 我觉得坐过山车很刺激。It's been a ghost town since the gold rush ended.淘金热结束后,这个城市就被废弃了。The rush for fuel and food will lead to a global land grab.燃料和食物的争抢将会引发全球性的土地掠夺。Try not to rush into a decision you may later regret.最好别仓促作出决定,否则你以后会后悔的。Everybody's in a rush to get shot of their shares in the company.人人都急着抛掉该公司的股票。I'll try to rush the book through before Saturday.我会设法在星期六之前把这本书赶紧看完。We'll try to rush your order through before Saturday.我们力争在星期六前发完你的定货。Don't rush to judgment without examining the evidence.证据未经检验不要急于下结论。Novels rush forth in droves to meet the demand.一批批小说涌现出来以应需要。She felt a sudden rush of emotion at the thought of seeing him again.一想到要再次见到他,她就心潮起伏。The memory came back with a painful rush.记起往事,心里一阵难过。It was such a rush buying something I knew was rare.买到自知珍奇之物是令人何等激动。I had forgotten my wallet in the usual Monday morning rush.星期一早晨像往常一样忙乱,我忘记带钱包了。We'll rush it out to you right away.我们会马上为您把它赶制出来。Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour.尖峰时间交通十分繁忙。Don't rush! We'll take it easy.别急急忙忙!我们慢慢来嘛。The UN rush to mandate war totally ruled out any alternatives.联合国匆匆授权开战,完全排除了其他选择。I got caught in the morning rush hour.我在早上的交通高峰时间遇上了塞车。He felt a great rush of sickness.他感到一阵强烈的恶心。I hate to rush you but I have another appointment later on.我真不想催你,但我稍后还有一个约会。You can't rush a search.搜寻不能仓促。The words spilled out in a rush.这番话很快被泄露了出去。Nothing can beat that adrenalin rush.突发的亢奋无法抑制。He gave the job seekers the bum's rush.他把寻找职业的人们打发走了。




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