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词汇 rural areas
例句 A quarter of the population was residing in rural areas.四分之一的人口居住在乡村地区。For many young people in rural areas, a university education seems like an unattainable dream.对边远地区的许多青年而言,大学教育似乎是一个不可企及的梦想。Very few people in the rural areas can read or write.乡村地区很少有人能读会写。The natural growth rate of population is revving up in rural areas.在农村中人口自然增长率正不断上升。Many rural areas have not yet been cabled.许多乡村地区还没有铺设电缆。Her speech included some revealing statistics about unemployment rates in rural areas.她的演讲中包含了发人深省的农村地区失业率的统计数字。The people in the rural areas use mud bricks only as an immediate, practical necessity.农村人只是把泥砖作为一种便捷实用的必需品。The city personnel of hospitals rotate in teams in the rural areas.城市医院的医务工作人员分小队轮流在农村地区服务。The scheme is unlocking housing opportunities in rural areas.这一计划提供了乡村地区的住房机会。Many of the rural areas still aren't electrified.农村很多地区目前还没有通电。The old communist party still holds sway in many rural areas.该党仍控制着许多农村地区。The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.贫困问题在农村地区尤为严重。Bus services in rural areas are not very good.乡村的公交设施不是太好。They are working to stop the spread of disease in rural areas.他们正致力于防止疾病在农村地区的传播。Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.许多农村地区仍处于赤贫状态。The bus service in many rural areas has been withdrawn.许多农村地区的公交服务已经取消了。These plants grow in the more rural areas.这些植物生长在更偏远的乡村。The birth control campaign was begun 10 years ago but has had almost no impact in the rural areas.节育运动于十年前开始,但对农村地区几乎没有什么影响。Many rural areas around the city have been suburbanized now.该市四周的乡村现在都已成为该市的郊区了。The plan was intended to help development in rural areas.这个计划旨在促进农村地区的发展。The suburbs encroach further into the rural areas each year.郊区每年不断地侵占农村土地。The program supports economic advancement in rural areas.这个方案支持农村地区的经济发展。Millions have migrated to the cities because they could not survive in rural areas.数百万人因无法在乡村生活而移居城市。His support is drawn mainly from the rural areas.他的支持者主要来自农村地区。The festivals take place not only in the city but also in the surrounding rural areas.不仅城里人庆祝这些节日,周边乡村也庆祝。Many people have to rely on Calor gas for cooking, particularly in rural areas.许多人只得靠液化气作厨炊燃料,尤其是在乡村地区。Mobile shops are invaluable to people in rural areas.流动商店对乡村地区居民非常重要。The troops are for the most part being redeployed in troublesome rural areas.军队的大部分正在农村各滋事地区重新部署。In the rural areas, family and tribal loyalties continue to be important.在农村地区,对家庭和部落的忠心依然很重要。These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.这些植物大多生长在偏远的乡村。A county usually consists of several towns and the rural areas that surround them.郡通常由几个镇及其周围的乡村地区组成。Growing numbers of people in the rural areas are too frightened to vote.越来越多生活在乡下的人被吓得不敢投票了。These magazines circulate mostly in rural areas.这些杂志大部分在农村地区销售。They plan to extend the service to people in rural areas.他们计划把这项服务延伸到农村居民。Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.国会已试行过数十种方法来重振正在走向衰败的城乡地区。The Land Protection Bill was talked out by MPs from rural areas.《土地保护议案》被来自乡村的议员故意拖延,搁置了。There continues to be a shortage of jobs for young people in many rural areas.在许多乡村地区,适合年轻人的工作一直短缺。More money is needed to save the crumbling infrastructure of the nation's rural areas.需要更多的资金来拯救这个国家农村地区日渐破旧的基础设施。Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas.古老的传统在农村根深蒂固。Gang activity that was limited to major cities has now spilled over to towns and rural areas.团伙犯罪以前局限于大城市里,如今已扩散到城镇和乡村地区了。




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