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词汇 runoff
例句 The cultivated field received not only its own share of rainfall but all of the runoff from the catchment.耕地不仅获得它自己那份雨水而且还接受集水区的全部径流。That denied him the majority needed to avoid a runoff election.这样他没能取得法定的可以不参加决赛竞选的多数票。Neither candidate won a clear majority, forcing a runoff.没有一个候选人获得绝对多数,因此必须进行决胜选举。The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。Fires make erosion more likely by burning away trees and shrubs that anchor soil and absorb runoff.大火烧光了可稳固土壤并吸收径流的树木和灌木,从而增加了水土流失的可能性。




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