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词汇 bravely
例句 Davidson fought bravely, and although badly wounded, he refused to surrender.戴维森勇敢地战斗,虽然受了重伤,但是他拒绝投降。The team battled bravely to win their last game.这支队伍为赢得最后一场比赛奋力拼搏。He bore his tribulations bravely.他勇敢地忍受艰难困苦。They fought bravely right to the finish.他们英勇战斗到最后。She bore her sufferings bravely.她勇敢地忍受著苦难。They fought bravely against the enemy.他们英勇抗击敌人。The soldiers fought bravely.士兵们勇敢地战斗。In March she bravely faced the media to speak publicly about the trial.在三月份,她大胆在媒体面前公开发表自己对于审判的看法。Why don't you be a man and face your troubles bravely?为什么不拿出男子汉的勇气来面对困难? He smiled bravely as he stepped in front of the cameras.他勇敢地微笑着走到镜头面前。For three years matters went bravely on.事情极其顺利地继续了三年。Our men wiped them out, but the enemy fought bravely and well.我们的部队歼灭了敌人,但敌人也进行了顽强的抵抗。He faced his illness bravely and without any hint of self-pity.他勇敢地面对自己的病情,没有一丝自怜。The child battled bravely for her life.这个小女孩为了活下去而勇敢地抗争。They met defeat bravely.他们勇敢地面对失败。He bravely went into the burning house to rescue the baby.他勇敢地冲进烈火熊熊的屋子去救那个婴孩。Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely.尽管数量上处于劣势,他们仍英勇地进行还击。He bore his misfortunes bravely.他勇敢地忍受所遭的灾难。He died bravely, serving his king.他效忠国王,英勇献身。He bravely went through with the wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.他虽然疼痛万分,但还是在婚礼中勇敢地坚持了下来。The pair are bravely attempting a reconciliation.这对男女正在尽力尝试和解。The general exhorted his men to fight bravely.将军激励他的士兵要勇敢作战。Bristol Shoguns bravely pressed to the bitter end of a seesaw tie, played in a monsoon.布里斯托尔橄榄球队在季风中奋勇拼搏,最后在拉锯战中与对手打成平局。She spoke bravely and defiantly in defence of human rights.为了维护人权,她作了一番勇敢无畏的演说。Mr Kim bravely stood up to authority.金先生勇敢地向权威挑战。




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