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词汇 rule in
例句 His prejudice disposed him to rule in their favour.他的偏见使他倾向于作出对他们有利的裁决。It took many years of struggle to establish majority rule in South Africa.通过多年的斗争,南非才确立了多数统治。We must, as I said, take care not to rule in or rule out any one solution.正如我说过的,我们必须注意不要肯定或否定任何一种解决方案。Mandela fought to abolish white-only rule in South Africa.曼德拉为废除南非的白人专政而斗争。Various rules in sports competition take away from spectator's enjoyment.体育比赛的各种规则让观众不能尽兴。If the commission rules in Mr Welch's favour the case will go to the European Court of Human Rights.如果委员会裁定韦尔奇有理,这个案件将送交欧洲人权法庭。Italian cities have imposed alternate-day driving rules in an effort to reduce pollution.意大利的城市为了减少污染,实行隔日行车规定。For many years, the Emperor was the ruler in name only. = The Emperor ruled in name but not in fact.许多年来,皇帝只是这个国家名义上的统治者。It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.这只是被冠冕堂皇地称作英国司法的法律体系中荒唐的法律规定之一。A first rule in solving any mystery is to check the facts.揭开谜团的第一条规则是核查事实。Teachers rule in classroom teaching.在课堂教学中教师占主导地位。One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.我们学校有一条金科玉律:未经父母书面同意,不得对学生进行测试。He claims that imperialists are trying to re-establish colonial rule in the country.他声称帝国主义的拥护者正试图在这个国家重建殖民统治。He is clearly stretching the rules in his favor. 他显然为了自己的利益而放宽了规定。Wearing uniform is an unbreakable rule in our school.穿校服是我们学校的一条金科玉律。The first/most important rule in life is always to appear confident.人生的首要法则就是永远要表现得自信。He had ruled in an undemocratic manner, deploying a secret police and press censorship.他的统治方式不民主,使用秘密警察并且压制新闻自由。The court ruled in favor of the defendant.法院做出了有利于被告的裁决。A federal judge ruled in their favour.一位联邦法官作出了对他们有利的裁决。The judge ruled in favor of the defendant.法官做出了有利于被告的判决。She stretched the rules in favor of herself.她为了利己目的曲解法规。The club has changed the rules in an effort to make them fairer.为了更公平一些,俱乐部调整了规则。They staged a rebellion against Spanish rule in Mexico.他们在墨西哥发动了一场反抗西班牙统治的叛乱。The tribunal ruled in her favour.特别法庭作出了有利于她的裁决。Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.儿童在学习语言过程中会找出各种规律和规则。He accused them of skewing the rules in their favor.他谴责他们从有利于自身的角度制定规则。It would help if you could bend the rules in this case.在这件事情上,您能通融一下就好了。The cardinal rule in working with large powerful animals is never to take any risks.对待大而凶猛的动物的重要规则是永远不要冒险。I feel vindicated now since the court ruled in my favour.既然法庭裁定我胜诉,我现在觉得自己的清白得到了证明。The golden rule in sales is to know your customer.销售中最重要的一点是了解你的消费者。The judge ruled in favor of the complainant. 法官判定原告胜诉。Football rules in the field of sports.在运动领域里,足球居最重要地位。The only person who makes rules in this house is me.这座房子里就我说了算。The judge ruled in our favor.法官判定我方胜诉。The home secretary ruled in favour of her staying in Britain.内政大臣裁定准许她留在英国。




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