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词汇 to smell
例句 What I hate most about having a cold is not being able to smell.感冒最让我讨厌的是闻不到气味。As the end of the game got closer, our team began to smell victory. 比赛临近结束时,我们队感觉到胜利在望了。We need to clean the cat's litter box - it's starting to smell.我们要把猫砂箱洗洗了—都开始发臭了。These porcelain showpiece blossoms look so real that you're tempted to smell them.这些瓷器花展品看起来像真的一样,让你禁不住要去闻它们。They leaned over the table to smell the flowers.他们俯身闻桌子上的花。At customs, dogs are used to smell out drugs in passengers' luggage.在海关,狗被用来嗅查乘客行李中的毒品。It sure didn't take you long to smell the food!有好吃的东西当然一下子就闻出来了!Ah! You begin to smell a rat, do you? You thought yourself pretty safe.啊! 你开始感到事情不妙了,是不是? 你原先还自以为什么事儿也没有呢。The fridge is beginning to smell.冰箱开始散发出难闻的味道。Police have trained the dogs to smell out drugs.警察已经训练过警犬凭嗅觉搜查毒品。The whole thing is beginning to smell fishy to me.我开始感到这整件事有可疑。Every time Tom visits me, one of my ashtrays disappears. I'm beginning to smell a rat.汤姆每来我这儿一次,我就丢一个烟缸,于是我开始起疑了。They use dogs trained to smell out explosives.他们使用受过训练能嗅出爆炸物的狗。She paused occasionally to smell the flowers.她偶尔停下来闻闻花香。




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