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词汇 roots
例句 We'll have to dig deep to get at the roots.我们得深挖才能挖到根部。Mr Zuma had a solid reputation as a grass roots organiser.作为一个民众的组织者,祖玛先生名声甚佳。They spend their lives below ground sucking sap from roots.它们生活在地下,靠吸食根液为生。The roots of the wars in the Balkans go back hundreds of years.巴尔干半岛的多场战争的根源要追溯到数百年前。The roots of these tresses entwine under the ground.树根在地底下纠缠在一起。Steel ploughs sliced through the matted roots.钢犁切割错结的盘根。The roots may spread as far below ground as does the foliage above ground.地上的枝叶有多高,地下的根就可能有多深。We haven't been here long enough to put down roots.我们在这儿还没多久,还未落地生根。We made a small hole in the earth, just deep enough to cover the roots of the plant.我们在泥土里挖了一个小洞,深度正好足够覆盖植物的根部。What are the historical roots of the region's problems?该地区问题的历史根源是什么?The party has not been listening to the concerns of its grass-roots supporters.该党没有倾听草根支持者的心声。In the roots of the olives, you could find centipedes as long as a pencil.在橄榄树的根部可以找到像铅笔一样长的蜈蚣。Power was accruing to the leadership as the grass roots started losing policy influence.随着基层民众开始失去对政策的影响力,领导层逐渐获得权力。In the opening chapter, the author traces the development of judo from its ancient roots.在开头的一章里,作者追溯了柔道从古代起的发展过程。They pulled her hair out by the roots.他们把她的头发连根拔了下来。Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.把植物靠墙摆放,用泥煤盖住根部。The inflation spiral has its roots throughout the economy.螺旋状通货膨胀的根子在于整个经济领域。The storm had torn the old tree up by the roots.暴风雨把那棵老树连根拔起。I first went to Jamaica to trace my roots.我先去了牙买加寻根问祖。Compost provides congenial conditions for roots to develop.堆肥为根茎的生长提供了适宜的条件。We are hoping for full participation at grass roots level.我们希望基层民众充分参与。Computerizing these old records will help people trace their roots.把这些旧档案输入计算机将有助于人们寻找自己的根。The teas are made by infusing the roots of herbs.这茶是浸泡草药根而沏成的。The clay was difficult for some plant roots to negotiate.有些植物的根很难在这种土里生长。Rock-and-roll music has its roots in blues music. 摇滚乐起源于布鲁斯音乐。The tradition has deep roots in our culture.这种传统在我们的文化中根深蒂固。The oligarchic regime seems to be losing contact with the grass roots.寡头政权看来正在渐渐地脱离草根社会。Use a lot of conditioner, applying more to the ends and none to the roots or scalp.护发素用量要多,多涂发梢,不涂发根和头皮。Water is absorbed by plants through their roots.植物通过根系来吸收水分。Pull weeds up by the roots so that they don't grow back.把草连根拔起就不会再长出来了。The roots anchor the plant in the earth.根将植物固定在土壤中。She carefully teased the roots of the young plant out of the soil.她小心地把幼苗的根从土壤里拨出来。English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language.英语专业的学生会被要求探究语言的根源。I am proud of my Brazilian roots.我为我的巴西血统感到自豪。The roots transmit moisture and nutrients to the trunk and branches.根将水分和养料输送到干和枝。Tree roots have breached the roof of the cave.树根穿透了洞穴顶部。Rita decided to trace her family roots.丽塔决定追寻她家的根。The finely twined baskets are made with young, pliable spruce roots.这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。Dryness at the roots can occur very easily specially when plants are grown in containers.根部很容易干枯,特别是当植株被种养在盆中时。Contemporary Indian cinema has its roots in folk culture.当代印度电影源于民间文化。




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