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词汇 动用
例句 The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars and small arms.双方交火时动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。We had to break into our savings to pay the fine.我们不得不动用存款来支付罚金。Before we activate our paratroopers, we must be familiar with the topography of the drop zone.在我们动用空降部队之前,一定要熟悉降落地点的地形地貌。Police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.警察动用了催泪瓦斯来驱散示威人群。We had to break into our savings to pay the hospital fees.我们只得动用存款支付医疗费。They draw on funds from a common pool.他们动用共用基金。The mayor's campaign unleashed its secret weapon.市长的竞选活动动用了秘密武器。The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.联合国将批准他动用军队运送救援物资的请求。We dipped into our pool of resources.我们动用了我们的储备资源。You could set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age.你也可以设立一个信托,这样孩子们只有达到一定年龄才能动用遗产。The Scottish Executive has been caught feathering the nest of private prison operators at the taxpayers' expense.这位苏格兰行政长官被发现动用纳税人的钱为私人监狱经营者牟利。The guns were called into play and the attack was checked.动用大炮之后进攻被遏止。We haven't touched the money in our savings account.我们还没动用我们的储蓄。You could also set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age…你也可以设立财产信托,这样孩子们只有达到一定年龄才能动用遗产。Some schemes will give you an income without tying up your money in an annuity.某些方案会让你获得收益,但又不会让你把钱都投在年金上无法动用The body was found after an extensive search by police with tracker dogs.警方在动用警犬进行了大规模的搜索后找到了尸体。They have searched the island twice—helicopters, dogs, the lot.他们已把岛屿搜了两遍,动用了直升机、警犬等一应手段。The army has been used to subdue unrest in the country's capital.该国首都发生暴动,动用了军队去镇压。We have obtained permission from the directors to use some of our funds.我们已得到董事的许可,可以动用部分资金。The boss signed a car out of the office garage.老板签字准许动用一辆公司公车。The government drove the guerrillas off using infantry.政府动用步兵击退了游击队员。They had to dip into their savings to pay for the repairs.他们不得不动用存款来支付修理费。You'd better stop dipping into your savings.你最好别再动用你的积蓄了。He would need all his authority to keep the weak-kneed volunteers from bolting.他需要动用所有的职权防止那些胆小的志愿兵逃跑。The land will require public money for decontamination.需要动用公共资金来对这片土地进行污染清理。Our capital is all tied up in property.我们的资金都套牢在了房地产上无法动用The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars, and small arms.双方交火动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。I'm going to have to dig into my savings again.我又得动用储蓄了。It took seven people to maneuver the tiger out of its cage.动用了七个人才把老虎弄出了笼子。They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, and machine guns.他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机枪突袭了首都。Last year the board approved use of funds to improve staff training.去年董事会同意动用资金来改善雇员的培训质量。Helicopters were used to evacuate people from their homes.动用了直升机把人们从居所撤离。And let me assure you I will use whatever force is necessary to restore order.我向你保证,我将动用一切必要力量来恢复秩序。I drew on my savings to pay for the repairs.动用了存款来支付修理费。I really want to avoid having to break into the money I was saving for college.我实在不想动用我为上大学而存的钱。The government used the army to put a lid on the rebellion.政府动用军队平定了叛乱。One group delayed spending the grant in order to make its funds last as long as possible.有一个组没有立即动用拨款,他们想尽量让经费维持更长的时间。Presidential power was exercised.动用了总统的权力。They had had to use what money they had.他们不得不动用所有的钱。We'll have to dip into our savings to pay for this.我们将不得不动用存款来付这笔钱。




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