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词汇 Rooney
例句 The ref should have played advantage because Rooney would have been through on goal.裁判当时应该根据对被犯规方有利的原则允许比赛继续进行,因为鲁尼本来有可能进球的。Fans cheered Rooney.球迷们为鲁尼加油。Giggs flicked on to Rooney.吉格斯快速把球传给鲁尼。Rooney's flick on at the near post found Evra unmarked. 鲁尼在近门柱处将球轻拨给无人盯防的埃弗拉。Rooney headed the ball into the back of the net.欧文把球顶进了网窝。Young rolled the ball across the six-yard box for Rooney to tap the ball into the open goal.杨用地滚球把球传向小禁区,鲁尼轻轻一触射入了大开的球门。Rooney had mishit McGinn's cross.鲁尼射失了麦吉恩的传中球。Rooney was booked for dissent after the referee failed to award United a penalty. 裁判没有判曼联队获得点球,鲁尼表示异议,从而因不服裁判被记名警告。




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