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词汇 rolls
例句 The government is trying to move more people off the welfare rolls into work.政府正在努力让更多的靠领福利救济生活的人去工作。Wrapping paper is sold in sheets or rolls.包装纸论张或卷出售。Glaze the rolls with egg-white.给小圆面包淋上蛋清。I used up three rolls of film on holiday.这次度假我用了三卷胶卷。He baked a fresh batch of rolls.他新烤了一炉面包圈。The baker took a batch of freshly baked rolls out of the oven.面包师从烤炉里拿出刚烤好的一炉面包卷。Falling rolls could lead to smaller class sizes.名单人数减少可以使班级规模小一些。She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall.她打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。The rolls pull apart easily.面包卷很容易撕开。Don't freeze the rolls for longer than three weeks.面包卷冷冻不能超过三周。The name just rolls off the tongue.这个名字很容易发音。The river rolls its waters to the ocean.江水滚滚流向大海。The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous.远处隆隆的雷声听着愈发惊心,要变天了。We had coffee and hot buttered rolls.我们喝了咖啡,又吃了热乎乎的黄油面包卷。Rebecca usually rolls in around noon.丽贝卡通常是到了中午前后才慢吞吞地来。Each player throws/rolls one die.每位玩家掷一个色子。The first course was soup with delicious crusty rolls.第一道菜是汤和美味脆皮面包卷。He began to shape the dough into rolls.他开始把面团做成卷。She rolls her own cigarettes.她自己卷烟抽。He rolls his own cigarettes.他自己卷烟抽。We shot four rolls of film on our trip. 我们旅行时拍了四卷胶卷。They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before.他们吃了前一天晚上剩下的几个面包卷。We baked a batch of rolls.我们烘了一炉面包卷。US attorneys match immigration records to voting rolls.美国律师把移民记录与选民名单联系起来。He rolls his inanimate eyes from side to side.他用无精打采的双眼左右扫视。He had great rolls of fat around his middle.他的腰部堆积起好几圈肥肉。The waiter lifted rolls with a pair of silver tongs.服务员用一把银夹子夹起面包卷。The professionals are used to moving heavy rolls of carpet around.专业人员习惯于搬运沉重的地毯卷。She pulled the rolls apart with her hands.她用手撕开了面包卷。The dog had rolls of fat along its neck.这条狗脖子上有一圈圈的赘肉。By the time Friday rolls around, I'm ready for the weekend.每到星期五时,我就准备好过周末了。They sell cinnamon rolls on steroids.他们出售的肉桂面包大得多。Their names were struck off the rolls of solicitors.他们的名字被从律师名册中去掉。In this game, each player rolls the dice to see who plays first.在这个游戏中,每位参加者都要掷色子来决定谁先玩。Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray.将冷冻的肉卷放到抹了油的烤盘上。The waiter lifted rolls from a basket with a pair of silver tongs.侍者用一把银钳从篮子里夹起面包卷。Eligible voters had been removed from the voting rolls.符合条件的投票人被从选民名册上删去了。Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap.德娜买了几卷丝绸,价格便宜得令人难以置信。




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