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词汇 moist
例句 The resulting roasted meat is moist, creamy coloured and densely textured.烤好的肉美味多汁,颜色淡黄且肉质紧密。Wipe it off with moist cotton wool.用湿药棉把它擦掉。The bacteria multiply rapidly in warm, moist conditions.细菌在温暖潮湿的环境下繁殖迅速。Wrap the cheese in foil to keep it moist.用锡箔包装奶酪以使其保持松软。Her eyes were moist with tears.她的眼里噙著泪水。The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry.外面的空气沉滞、潮湿而闷热。Frogs produce slime to keep their skin moist.青蛙分泌黏液使皮肤保持湿润。Fog is formed when warm moist air moves over a cold surface.当暖湿空气遇冷时就形成了雾。Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean, moist cotton flannel.用干净的湿绒布擦去多余的化妆品。If the cake is too moist it will not cut cleanly.蛋糕太潮湿的话不容易切整齐。Keep the atmosphere in your greenhouse slightly moist throughout the spring.春天里保持温室的空气略微湿润些。Tornadoes usually form when rising warm, moist air rotates, as winds from opposite directions collide.两股相对的气流相撞,上升的暖湿气流发生旋转,通常就会形成龙卷风。This kind of plant grows well in moist soil.这种植物适宜生长在潮湿土壤里。Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds.播种之前要确保土壤湿润。The moist air rusted the latch on the door.潮气使门闩生锈了。The eggs will hatch sooner in warm, moist conditions.在温暖潮湿的条件下,鸡蛋会孵化得更快一些。The pork chops were tender and moist.那些猪排细嫩多汁。His fingers were becoming moist with sweat.他的手指汗津津的。Try to keep the soil evenly moist.尽量保持土壤均匀湿润。What is lacking in my breads is a soft, moist crumb.我烤的面包心不够松软、湿糯。She wiped her face with a moist towel.她用微湿的毛巾擦脸。Her skin felt moist and feverish.她的皮肤摸上去又湿又热。These plants do best in fertile, moist soil.这些植物最适合在肥沃潮湿的土壤里生长。I love cookies when they are moist and chewy.我喜欢吃微湿耐嚼的饼干。Wipe off any excess make-up with a moist cotton flannel.用湿绒布擦掉多余的妆。Parsley should have a deep, moist, fertile soil for ideal growth.西芹最好在湿润肥厚的土壤里种植。Keep the soil moist and fertilize weekly.保持土壤湿润,并且每周施一次肥。The moist reagent paper is spotted with the test solution.这张湿的试剂纸上滴有试液。She took a mouthful of the delicious moist cake.她咬了一口美味松软的蛋糕。Keep the soil moist. That way, the seedling will flourish.保持土壤湿润,那样幼苗就能茁壮成长。Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.打开一个通风口,让潮气逸出一些。The mixture should be slightly moist, but not sticky.混合料应该有点湿润,但不黏。These insects tend to aggregate in dark, moist places.这些虫子往往聚集在阴暗潮湿的地方。Water the plants often enough to keep the soil moist.经常给植物浇水,保持土壤湿润。The sandwiches are made with moist slices of chicken breast, topped with various ingredients.三明治用了带汁的鸡胸肉片,上面加有各种配料。His eyes were moist with the joy of success.成功的喜悦使他眼里噙着泪水。The plant grows best in direct sunlight and with rich, moist soil.阳光直射且土壤肥沃湿润时,这种植物长得最好。Bake for half an hour - the top should be crisp, and the underneath moist and succulent.烘烤半个钟头——就会外焦里嫩,松软多汁。Beth's dark eyes grew moist as she kissed her son.贝丝亲吻着儿子,黑黑的眼睛湿润了。The hot moist air of the tropics spreads a feeling of lethargy and indolence.热带的湿热空气让人产生一种倦慵懒散之感。




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