例句 |
Designing a website may be a lot of work but it's not rocket science.设计一个网站可能很费工夫,但并非难事。Come on, it's not rocket science.得了吧,这又不像火箭科学那样难。Replacing a car tyre isn't exactly rocket science.更换汽车轮胎并不是什么难事。It's not, to coin a phrase, rocket science.套句老话说,这又不比登天难。Come on, it's only a crossword, it's not rocket science.来吧,不就是个填字游戏嘛,并不是那么难。Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science, but it does matter.采访政治家可能并不是什么高难度的事,但的确很重要。The job is challenging, but it's not exactly rocket science.这项工作具有挑战性,但它并不完全高深莫测。 |