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词汇 robbers
例句 They fired at the robbers.他们向强盗开枪。The robbers disputed violently over the stolen goods.盗贼为分赃而大打出手。The robbers hit him over the head with a baseball bat.劫匪用棒球球棒击打他的头部。The gang of robbers waylaid and robbed travelers.这帮强盗拦路埋伏抢劫旅客。The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.这伙强盗在逃走前开枪打了一名警察。The robbers heard the police sirens and made a run for it. 劫匪听到警笛声就逃走了。He was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off.他在试图击退劫匪时被捅了一刀。The police scoured the city for the robbers.警察搜遍全城寻找抢窃犯。The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.劫匪在他的饮料里加了烈酒,然后才拿走他的钱包和护照。The robbers abandoned their getaway car and ran off.劫匪将逃跑用的车丢弃后逃跑了。The police brought the robbers to bay in a deep valley.警察把强盗围困在一个深谷里。The robbers riddled the car with bullets.劫匪们用枪把那辆车打成了筛子。The bank robbers made a clean getaway.那些银行劫匪全都逃得无影无踪了。The robbers were wearing black hoods.抢劫犯戴着黑面罩。When he refused to hand over the money, the robbers threatened to blow his brains out.他拒绝把钱交出来,抢劫者就威胁要开枪打得他脑袋开花。The robbers had disabled the bank's security system.那些抢劫者破坏了银行的保安系统。In this movie, it's a battle of wits as the bank robbers try to outsmart the city's detectives.在这部影片中,银行劫匪想要智胜城市侦探,双方展开了一场智斗。The robbers went different ways hoping to throw the police off the scent.强盗四处逃散,想把追捕的警察甩掉。The robbers got caught with their pants down.强盗们作案时出其不意地被逮个正着。The store was held up by a gang of robbers.这家商店被一伙强盗抢劫了。The robbers were on the lam for several days before they were caught.这些抢劫犯在逃窜了数日后终于落网。Two robbers broke into her home, held a knife to her throat and stole her savings.两个盗贼闯进了她的家,把刀架在她的脖子上,抢走了她的积蓄。An alert guard stopped the robbers.机警的门卫拦住了劫匪。Police caught the bank robbers after a high-speed chase on the highway.警察在公路上高速驾车追捕,抓住了银行抢劫犯。The robbers have been on the run for a month.小偷已在逃一个月了。The armed robbers rampaged through the financial district.武装抢劫犯在金融区内横冲直撞胡作非为。John wrestled with the robbers.约翰与强盗搏斗。The knight set spurs to his horse and pursued the robbers.那骑士用踢马刺策马,急追盗贼。The mountains were infested with robbers.山里有大批盗贼出没。He was set on by robbers who took all his money.他遭到强盗袭击,他们抢了他所有的钱。Police have arrested two men matching the descriptions of the robbers.警察已拘捕两名男子,这两人符合对抢劫者的描述。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller.强盗们埋伏着等待袭击那位富有的旅客。Someone put the police wise to the plan of the bank robbers.有人向警方告发了银行抢劫犯们的计划。The robbers had just opened the safe when they were surprised by the police.抢匪们刚打开保险箱就被警察当场抓获了。The robbers descended on the village.强盗突然袭击那村子。A young teller was shot dead by bank robbers today.今天,一名年轻的银行出纳员被抢劫银行的歹徒开枪打死。The police grabbed the robbers after a long chase.警方在长期追捕后逮住了那些强盗。Both the robbers were wearing masks.两名劫匪都戴着面罩。The robbers were holed up in a deserted warehouse.那些强盗藏身于一座废弃的仓库中。At a preconcerted signal the robbers rushed into the bank.抢劫者一见到约定的信号便立即冲进银行。




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