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By then the problem will hopefully have been solved.到那时这个问题有望得到解决。It's a relief to have the matter settled.这个问题得到解决,让人舒了一口气。They're hoping for the dispute to be settled.他们希望争端得到解决。The issue of the book's authorship was never resolved.这部书的作者问题从未得到解决。The difficulty will soon ravel out.困难很快就能得到解决。This issue has not been resolved yet by any manner of means.这个问题目前一点也没得到解决。This matter could be sorted out if they would just sit down and talk.如果他们能坐下来谈谈的话,这件事情就可以得到解决。It is to be wished that the problem will soon be settled.希望这个问题不久就能得到解决。I hope it all works out for Gina and Andy.我希望吉娜和安迪之间一切问题均会得到解决。The problems have been fixed, and now all systems are go.问题已得到解决,现在一切准备就绪。She was left without remedy since the court did not recognize her claim.她的问题没有得到解决,因为法庭不承认她的索赔要求。The workers have called off their strike in expectation of a pay settlement.工人们估计工资问题将得到解决,便取消了罢工。I longed for the resolution of the dilemma.我盼望着这一困局得到解决。The dispute was settled honorably.争议体面地得到解决。Fundamental problems were papered over, not resolved.根本问题被掩盖起来,并未得到解决。The divorce would be granted when more important problems, notably the fate of the children, had been decided.更为重要的问题,尤其是孩子的问题得到解决后,离婚会获批准。The hope is that there will be a settlement soon.希望事情能很快得到解决。We need to talk about these problems, not simply assume they will resolve themselves.我们得来谈谈这些问题,而不只是假定它们会自己得到解决。Once food became available, inflation would stop short in its tracks.一旦粮食短缺问题得到解决,通货膨胀就会立即停止。This matter won't be settled until the lawyers fight it out in court.这件事只有在双方律师对簿公堂时才会得到解决。The conflict appears no nearer a resolution.冲突似乎并未得到解决。Behaviour problems, with all the attendant learning difficulties, cannot be resolved in the ordinary classroom.行为问题,以及所有随之产生的学习障碍,是无法在普通课堂上得到解决的。School officials express confidence that the problem will soon be resolved.学校官员表示有信心使这个问题尽快得到解决。The President said the agreement would allow other vital problems to be dealt with.总统说这项协议将能使其他关键问题得到解决。The problem can be solved once and for all, if you do that.如果你那样做,问题就可能一劳永逸地得到解决。Specifically, the department wanted answers to the following questions.具体来说,系里希望以下问题得到解决。The estate is not settled because the family is still feuding over the will.由于这家人仍对遗嘱争执不休,所以遗产问题尚未得到解决。If the management wouldn't listen to their demands, they would have to force the issue by striking.如果管理层不理会他们的要求,他们就不得不通过罢工来迫使问题得到解决。The crisis was resolved by negotiations.危机通过谈判得到解决。Some important issues remained unsettled after the peace talks.和谈之后一些重要的问题仍未得到解决。 |