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Major roadworks ahead.前方道路大施工。The delay is partly explicable by the roadworks.延误的部分原因是道路施工。As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks.返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。The sign by the roadworks said "Slow - heavy plant crossing".道路工程旁边的告示牌上写着“减速——前方有重型施工机械”。There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton.坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。Reduce speed now - roadworks ahead.现在减速—前方道路施工。There were roadworks on the motorway.高速公路上正在施工。The traffic had seized up for miles because of the roadworks.由于道路施工,车辆堵了好几英里。There are temporary traffic lights because of the roadworks.因道路施工设置了临时的交通灯。The roadworks brought the traffic to a standstill.道路维修使交通陷入了停顿。 |